android Programming Glossary: be
Saving Activity state in Android Activity state in Android I've been playing around with the Android SDK and I am a little unclear.. private TextView mTextView null I thought that might be all one needed to do for the simplest case but it always gives.. like overriding onPause or something like that but I've been poking away in the docs for 30 minutes or so and haven't found..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? he she decides to do so. That is not something that should be relied upon the OS to do. The application I am trying to create.. the general public it is a business app that is going to be used in a very narrow business field. I was actually really.. in Windows Mobile and .NET. However the last week has been somewhat of a turnoff for me... I hope I don't have to abandon..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object launches a new activity. I have had to build my own tabs because of an issue with the camera layout. The activity that gets.. an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and ListAdapter . This makes it pretty.. by row where I can resize on the fly bit wise This would be preferable as I also need to make some changes to the properties..
Android: How to declare global variables? that this will not work across processes should your app be one of the rare ones that has multiple processes . NOTE 1 Also.. name my.application.MyApp android icon ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works.. ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works with managing native object lifecycles. I..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] . NOTE Before trying this code please find this line in below code private static String DB_NAME YourDbName Database name.. database name is ordersDB then the value of DB_NAME will be ordersDB private static String DB_NAME ordersDB Keep the Database.. ordersDB Keep the Database in assets folder then follow below DataHelper class import import
Android AlarmManager . If you want a one shot alarm you would just use set . Be sure to give the time for the alarm to start in the same time..
How to use media Queries for android devices with android version 2.2.1 and 2.3.5 and their screen size of 240 * 320 and screen size of 480 * 800? 480 800 @media only screen and min width 480px Styles Note Be very cautious with media queris. when you set min and max they..
Can I use assert on Android devices? assertNull that are provided in the junit framework. Be careful not to import the Junit4 framework through eclipse that..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? up points int pathIndex lookup.getPixel x y pathIndex 24 Be sure to check for 255 no path if there are unfilled points...
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? the commands adb tcpip 5555 adb connect 5555 Be sure to replace with the IP address that is actually..
how to resume an interrupted download say X and start writing the newly downloaded data there. Be sure to use the same value X for the range header. Details about..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically? this page that describes the different kinds of wakelocks. Be aware that some caution needs to be taken when using wakelocks...
Going to home screen programmatically start the launcher application that the user has defined. Be careful with this because this will look like your application..
How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? required fields and your should be able to sign your app. Be sure to make a backup of the keystore file and remember your..
custom row in a listPreference? The java code for the custom ListPreference class. Be sure to mind things like your package name the preference name..
How do I detect screen rotation I found a relevant blog post that is well worth reading . Be sure to read the SDK documentation . Also check out the discussion..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android Alternatively Modernizr can be used for detection. Beware that it's not enough to check for some version like the.. native date picker on devices that don't support type date Be sure to properly detect built in support. Like on the Galaxy..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout replace the buttons with some EditText to fit your needs. Be sure to set the layout_width to 0dp or your views may not be..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? running 2.1 and 2.2. Thanks in advance for your help Ben android android contentprovider android syncadapter share.. account Syncable and the other not Syncable dsabled . 7. Be aware of ContentResolver.notifyChange One tricky thing. ContentResolver.notifyChange..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1?
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones Bundle params Log.d TAG onReadyForSpeech public void onBeginningOfSpeech Log.d TAG onBeginningOfSpeech public void.. public void onBeginningOfSpeech Log.d TAG onBeginningOfSpeech public void onRmsChanged float rmsdB Log.d.. 5 sr.startListening intent Log.i 111111 11111111 Be sure to delete the annoying Logs after debugging android speech..
How to open a pdf stored either in res/raw or assets folder? on the newly created file for the intent's data. Be aware that a user might not have a PDF reading application...
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? use these sizes your images will look great on any screen. Be sure to define sizes in code in dp however Android will handle..
Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes fragment fragmentTransaction.commit Be warned though problems will occur if you try and access Activity..
How to find out which key was used to sign an app? You will get certificate fingerprints like this MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB SHA1 16 59 E7 E3 0C AA.. 23 2010 PrivateKeyEntry Certificate fingerprint MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB Voila we can now determined..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 YOU WILL GET A NULLPOINTER IF CURSOR IS NULL THIS CAN BE IF YOU USED OI FILE MANAGER FOR PICKING THE MEDIA int column_index..
Android app fail to start after adding admob where create a libs folder inside your project in Eclispe. BE SURE THAT THE FOLDER IS NAMED libs AND NOT lib . THIS MISTAKE..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method carType this.model model this.description description TO BE LOADED LATER OR CAN SET TO A DEFAULT IMAGE this.image null this.thumbImage..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? 4 TYPE CASTING ABOVE FLOAT VALUES TO THAT THEY CAN BE MATCHED WITH ARRAY'S INDEX. int redValue int red int greenValue.. int blueValue int blue THESE COUNTERS COUNT TOTAL NUMBER OF PIXELS FOR THAT Red Green or Blue Value IN ENTIRE IMAGE... private int SIZE 256 Red Green Blue private int NUMBER_OF_COLOURS 3 public final int RED 0 public final int GREEN..
Detect application heap size in Android under CyanogenMod settings Performance VM heap size . NOTE BE AWARE THAT SETTING THIS VALUE MANUALLY CAN MESS UP YOUR SYSTEM..
android adding number to Call logs but couldn't find any... Though 1 thing is for sure IT CAN BE DONE. coz i have seen lots of applications online which restore.. values new ContentValues values.put CallLog.Calls.NUMBER number values.put CallLog.Calls.DATE System.currentTimeMillis.. values.put CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE 0 values.put CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL Log.d TAG..
Enabling ProGuard in Eclipse for Android Android Tools. # Do not modify this file YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED Am I missing something Also is there a way to enable..
Your project contains error(s), please fix it before running it Certificate fixed as follows IF ALL FAILS THEN THIS GOTTA BE THE SOLUTION Delete your debug certificate under ~ .android..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? first directory you come across. 2 USB MASS STORAGE MUST BE TURNED OFF ON THE PHONE Or just completely unplug it from the..
Getting telephone country code with Android AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD 880 BD BY 375 BY BE 32 BE BZ 501 BZ BJ 229 BJ BT 975 BT BO 591 BO BA 387 BA BW 267.. AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD 880 BD BY 375 BY BE 32 BE BZ 501 BZ BJ 229 BJ BT 975 BT BO 591 BO BA 387 BA BW 267 BW..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI KH CM CA CV KY CF..
Android: Is there a programming way to create a web shortcut on home screen android.intent.extra.shortcut.NAME THE NAME OF SHORTCUT TO BE SHOWN installer.putExtra android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON_RESOURCE..
Android UDP Communication port else System.err.println THREAD ID thread_id COULD NOT BE FOUND catch IOException e if e instanceof SocketException..
Voice Recognition as a background service for speech input and more importantly IT NEEDS TO BE IN FOCUS and not running in background... http
Saving Activity state in Android Activity state in Android I've been playing around with the Android SDK and I am a little unclear on saving an application's state. So given this minor re.. else mTextView.setText Welcome back. setContentView mTextView private TextView mTextView null I thought that might be all one needed to do for the simplest case but it always gives me the first message no matter how I navigate away from the.. away from the app. I'm sure it's probably something simple like overriding onPause or something like that but I've been poking away in the docs for 30 minutes or so and haven't found anything obvious so would appreciate any help. Cue me looking..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? as a normal app that the user can quit the app when he she decides to do so. That is not something that should be relied upon the OS to do. The application I am trying to create is not an application for the Android Market. It is not.. the Android Market. It is not an application for wide use by the general public it is a business app that is going to be used in a very narrow business field. I was actually really looking forward to developing for the Android platform since.. Android platform since it addresses a lot of issues that exist in Windows Mobile and .NET. However the last week has been somewhat of a turnoff for me... I hope I don't have to abandon Android but it doesn't look very good right now Is there..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object of image buttons on each row. When you click the list row it launches a new activity. I have had to build my own tabs because of an issue with the camera layout. The activity that gets launched for result is a map. If I click on my button to.. handler to relaunch my new activity which is nothing more than an image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and ListAdapter . This makes it pretty simple but I am not sure how I can put a resized image I.e... Is there a way I can build the list adapter easily row by row where I can resize on the fly bit wise This would be preferable as I also need to make some changes to the properties of the widgets elements in each row as I am unable to select..
Android: How to declare global variables? quite well into the existing Android framework. Note that this will not work across processes should your app be one of the rare ones that has multiple processes . NOTE 1 Also as anticafe commented in order to correctly tie your Application.. the Android docs for more info. An example application android name my.application.MyApp android icon ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works with managing native object lifecycles. I admit I am not up.. application android name my.application.MyApp android icon ... android label ... application NOTE 2 user608578 asks below how this works with managing native object lifecycles. I admit I am not up to speed on using native code with Android..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] question EDIT You can find source code sample project here . NOTE Before trying this code please find this line in below code private static String DB_NAME YourDbName Database name DB_NAME here is the name of your database. It is assumed.. of the database in the assets folder so for example if your database name is ordersDB then the value of DB_NAME will be ordersDB private static String DB_NAME ordersDB Keep the Database in assets folder then follow below DataHelper class import.. of DB_NAME will be ordersDB private static String DB_NAME ordersDB Keep the Database in assets folder then follow below DataHelper class import import import import
Android AlarmManager PERIOD pi In this example I am using setRepeating . If you want a one shot alarm you would just use set . Be sure to give the time for the alarm to start in the same time base as you use in the initial parameter to set . In my example..
How to use media Queries for android devices with android version 2.2.1 and 2.3.5 and their screen size of 240 * 320 and screen size of 480 * 800? can try following media query for a device of resolution 480 800 @media only screen and min width 480px Styles Note Be very cautious with media queris. when you set min and max they will apply for all the resoltuions which satisfy the min..
Can I use assert on Android devices? now you can use all the functions like assertTrue assertEquals assertNull that are provided in the junit framework. Be careful not to import the Junit4 framework through eclipse that would be the org.junit package. You have to use the junit.framework..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point?
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? on the computer that has the device connected via USB issue the commands adb tcpip 5555 adb connect 5555 Be sure to replace with the IP address that is actually assigned to your device. To tell the ADB daemon return..
how to resume an interrupted download at a given point just before the length of your download data say X and start writing the newly downloaded data there. Be sure to use the same value X for the range header. Details about 14.35.2 Range Retrieval Requests More details and source..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically? on during this section.. wl.release There's also a table on this page that describes the different kinds of wakelocks. Be aware that some caution needs to be taken when using wakelocks. Ensure that you always release the lock when you're done..
Going to home screen programmatically startActivity startMain This Intent will start the launcher application that the user has defined. Be careful with this because this will look like your application crashed if the user does not expect this. If you want this..
How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? be able to select create new keystore. Now fill in the required fields and your should be able to sign your app. Be sure to make a backup of the keystore file and remember your password. Losing this will make it impossible to update your..
custom row in a listPreference? when I click on them like they do in a regular ListPreference. The java code for the custom ListPreference class. Be sure to mind things like your package name the preference name key your entries and values for the ListPreference and the..
How do I detect screen rotation when it gets to the screen not just the orientation. I found a relevant blog post that is well worth reading . Be sure to read the SDK documentation . Also check out the discussion about using Display.getRotation to correctly remap sensor..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android the type to date and return text when reading back that attribute. Alternatively Modernizr can be used for detection. Beware that it's not enough to check for some version like the Samsung Galaxy S2 on Android 4.0.3 does support type date but.. 01 . When using things like Cordova PhoneGap to display the native date picker on devices that don't support type date Be sure to properly detect built in support. Like on the Galaxy S2 running Android 4.0.3 erroneously also using the Cordova..
Percentage width in a RelativeLayout LinearLayout It works the same with any kind of View you can replace the buttons with some EditText to fit your needs. Be sure to set the layout_width to 0dp or your views may not be scaled properly. Note that the weight sum doesn't have to equal..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? to pass in the bundle I am testing in the emulator on devices running 2.1 and 2.2. Thanks in advance for your help Ben android android contentprovider android syncadapter share improve this question RequestSync will only work on a Account.. out the line so the user can't turn it on. You might set one account Syncable and the other not Syncable dsabled . 7. Be aware of ContentResolver.notifyChange One tricky thing. ContentResolver.notifyChange is a function used by ContentProviders..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1?
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones implements RecognitionListener public void onReadyForSpeech Bundle params Log.d TAG onReadyForSpeech public void onBeginningOfSpeech Log.d TAG onBeginningOfSpeech public void onRmsChanged float rmsdB Log.d TAG onRmsChanged public void.. public void onReadyForSpeech Bundle params Log.d TAG onReadyForSpeech public void onBeginningOfSpeech Log.d TAG onBeginningOfSpeech public void onRmsChanged float rmsdB Log.d TAG onRmsChanged public void onBufferReceived byte buffer.. intent.putExtra RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS 5 sr.startListening intent Log.i 111111 11111111 Be sure to delete the annoying Logs after debugging android speech recognition speech share improve this question Use..
How to open a pdf stored either in res/raw or assets folder? the Intent just like you are doing now except use getAbsolutePath on the newly created file for the intent's data. Be aware that a user might not have a PDF reading application. In this case it is useful to catch the ActivityNotFoundException..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? don't know as I haven't got hands on one yet . Edit If you use these sizes your images will look great on any screen. Be sure to define sizes in code in dp however Android will handle the conversion described above on its own. share improve..
Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes fragment new FragmentOne fragmentTransaction.add fragment fragmentTransaction.commit Be warned though problems will occur if you try and access Activity Views from inside the Fragment as the lifecycles will subtly..
How to find out which key was used to sign an app? Then issue this command keytool printcert file ANDROID_.RSA You will get certificate fingerprints like this MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB SHA1 16 59 E7 E3 0C AA 7A 0D F2 0D 05 20 12 A8 85 0B 32 C5 4F 68 Signature algorithm.. of aliases and their certificate fingerprint android_key Jan 23 2010 PrivateKeyEntry Certificate fingerprint MD5 B3 4F BE 07 AA 78 24 DC CA 92 36 FF AE 8C 17 DB Voila we can now determined the apk has been signed with this keystore and with the..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 managedQuery uri projection null null null if cursor null HERE YOU WILL GET A NULLPOINTER IF CURSOR IS NULL THIS CAN BE IF YOU USED OI FILE MANAGER FOR PICKING THE MEDIA int column_index cursor .getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA..
Android app fail to start after adding admob download hl de unzip the file into a directory no matter where create a libs folder inside your project in Eclispe. BE SURE THAT THE FOLDER IS NAMED libs AND NOT lib . THIS MISTAKE IS OFTEN DONE copy the jar file from admob folder into Your..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method fuelType this.transmission transmission this.carType carType this.model model this.description description TO BE LOADED LATER OR CAN SET TO A DEFAULT IMAGE this.image null this.thumbImage null public String getCarId return carId public..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? 2 1.0 CGFloat alpha rawData byteIndex 3 1.0 255.0 byteIndex 4 TYPE CASTING ABOVE FLOAT VALUES TO THAT THEY CAN BE MATCHED WITH ARRAY'S INDEX. int redValue int red int greenValue int green int blueValue int blue THESE COUNTERS COUNT.. ARRAY'S INDEX. int redValue int red int greenValue int green int blueValue int blue THESE COUNTERS COUNT TOTAL NUMBER OF PIXELS FOR THAT Red Green or Blue Value IN ENTIRE IMAGE. fltR redValue fltG greenValue fltB blueValue self makeArrays.. created colored histogram with following code Initialized Variables private int SIZE 256 Red Green Blue private int NUMBER_OF_COLOURS 3 public final int RED 0 public final int GREEN 1 public final int BLUE 2 private int colourBins private volatile..
Detect application heap size in Android allowed for each app. In CM for example this option appears under CyanogenMod settings Performance VM heap size . NOTE BE AWARE THAT SETTING THIS VALUE MANUALLY CAN MESS UP YOUR SYSTEM ESPECIALLY if you select a smaller value than is normal for..
android adding number to Call logs to the call history. I tried searching the tutorial on net but couldn't find any... Though 1 thing is for sure IT CAN BE DONE. coz i have seen lots of applications online which restore call logs so i guess we can modify the call history database.. ContentResolver contentResolver String number ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put CallLog.Calls.NUMBER number values.put CallLog.Calls.DATE System.currentTimeMillis values.put CallLog.Calls.DURATION 0 values.put CallLog.Calls.TYPE.. values.put CallLog.Calls.NEW 1 values.put CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME values.put CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE 0 values.put CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL Log.d TAG Inserting call log placeholder for number contentResolver.insert..
Enabling ProGuard in Eclipse for Android I read at the top # This file is automatically generated by Android Tools. # Do not modify this file YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED Am I missing something Also is there a way to enable ProGuard only for a production build from Eclipse i.e. when..
Your project contains error(s), please fix it before running it user This can also be caused by an out of date Debug Certificate fixed as follows IF ALL FAILS THEN THIS GOTTA BE THE SOLUTION Delete your debug certificate under ~ .android debug.keystore on Linux and Mac OS X the directory is something..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file to http server? through Mass Storage USB view you would put the file in the first directory you come across. 2 USB MASS STORAGE MUST BE TURNED OFF ON THE PHONE Or just completely unplug it from the computer you are writing the code on to assure this is the..
Getting telephone country code with Android AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW 297 AW AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD 880 BD BY 375 BY BE 32 BE BZ 501 BZ BJ 229 BJ BT 975 BT BO 591 BO BA 387 BA BW 267 BW BR 55 BR BN 673 BN BG 359 BG BF 226 BF MM 95 MM BI 257.. AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW 297 AW AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD 880 BD BY 375 BY BE 32 BE BZ 501 BZ BJ 229 BJ BT 975 BT BO 591 BO BA 387 BA BW 267 BW BR 55 BR BN 673 BN BG 359 BG BF 226 BF MM 95 MM BI 257 BI KH..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? Western SaharaWestern Sahara Western SaharaWestern Sahara AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI KH CM CA CV KY CF TD CL CN CX CC CO KM CG CD CK CR CI HR CU CY CZ DK DJ DM DO..
Android: Is there a programming way to create a web shortcut on home screen android.intent.extra.shortcut.INTENT i installer.putExtra android.intent.extra.shortcut.NAME THE NAME OF SHORTCUT TO BE SHOWN installer.putExtra android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON_RESOURCE I THINK this is a bitmap can also be ignored too installer.setAction..
Android UDP Communication t.getThreadId .compareTo thread_id 0 t.setCommSocket rpkt port else System.err.println THREAD ID thread_id COULD NOT BE FOUND catch IOException e if e instanceof SocketException e instanceof SocketTimeoutException log.warning Error while..
Voice Recognition as a background service simple approach is that the activity will constantly be listening for speech input and more importantly IT NEEDS TO BE IN FOCUS and not running in background... http resources samples ApiDemos src com example android..