android Programming Glossary: begun
How AsyncTask works in Android operations with a single additional thread one by one . In Donut 1.6 it was changed so that a pool of thread had begun to be used. And operations could be processed simultaneously until the pool had been exhausted. In such case operations..
How do I persist cookies when using HTTPUrlConnection? do I persist cookies when using HTTPUrlConnection I've begun using the recommended HTTPUrlConnection and moved away from the DefaultHTTPClient . One of the things that I haven't been..
Reading barcodes with android of using the inbuilt camer to read 2D barcodes and extract the string returned from the barcode. I have only recently begun working with the android sdk but I do have a programming background from working on projects with java. I am curious to..
Heap size overflow issues with sound clips involves multiple short sound clips. At the moment I'm using SoundPool to load my sound clips once a 2nd activity is begun by the menu activity. The problem I seem to be having is that once this secondary activity begins the loading of the sound..
Calling barcode scanner on a button click in android application browse trunk androidtest src com google zxing client androidtest IntentIntegrator We have also begun creating a small library of classes that encapsulate some of the details above. See IntentIntegrator for a possibly easier..
jQuery on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry