android Programming Glossary: begining
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder sizes and other parameters which it then writes at the begining of the file at the end of recording because of which it needs..
ANDROID: How do I download a video file to SD card? System.currentTimeMillis Log.d VideoManager download begining Log.d VideoManager download url url Log.d VideoManager downloaded..
How to save file from website to sdcard System.currentTimeMillis Log.d DownloadManager download begining Log.d DownloadManager download url url Log.d DownloadManager..
Why is redirecting stdout/stderr on android not working?
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the begining of your main function const char szfile env GetStringUTFChars.. play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the begining of your main function av_init_packet avpkt printf Audio decoding..
android mobile twitter page in webview not opening? in webview not opening I am trying to open twitter page begining with https in webview in android. But it is not opening and..
How to download XML file from server and save it in SD card? System.currentTimeMillis Log.d DownloadManager download begining Log.d DownloadManager download url url Log.d DownloadManager..
Webview in Scrollview wide for current screen width. So I added some css in the begining of HTML. So I loads data to webview like this private final..
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder written at the end. Android creates a in memory table of frame sizes and other parameters which it then writes at the begining of the file at the end of recording because of which it needs the seekability of the file handle. which a socket is not..
ANDROID: How do I download a video file to SD card? write here any link File file new File fileName long startTime System.currentTimeMillis Log.d VideoManager download begining Log.d VideoManager download url url Log.d VideoManager downloaded file name fileName Open a connection to that URL. ..
How to save file from website to sdcard here any link File file new File dir fileName long startTime System.currentTimeMillis Log.d DownloadManager download begining Log.d DownloadManager download url url Log.d DownloadManager downloaded file name fileName Open a connection to that URL...
Why is redirecting stdout/stderr on android not working?
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg AVPacket packet jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the begining of your main function const char szfile env GetStringUTFChars env file isCopy int16_t pAudioBuffer int16_t av_malloc AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE.. AVPacket avpkt jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the begining of your main function av_init_packet avpkt printf Audio decoding n find the mpeg audio decoder codec avcodec_find_decoder..
android mobile twitter page in webview not opening? mobile twitter page in webview not opening I am trying to open twitter page begining with https in webview in android. But it is not opening and blank screen is coming with continous loading. Screen shot is..
How to download XML file from server and save it in SD card? here any link File file new File dir name long startTime System.currentTimeMillis Log.d DownloadManager download begining Log.d DownloadManager download url url Log.d DownloadManager downloaded file name name Open a connection to that URL...
Webview in Scrollview Also it has img tags in there. Sometimes pictures are too wide for current screen width. So I added some css in the begining of HTML. So I loads data to webview like this private final static String WEBVIEW_MIME_TYPE text html private final static..