android Programming Glossary: becomes
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager Problem Fragment onResume in ViewPager.. onResume in ViewPager is fired before the fragment becomes actually visible. F.e. i have 2 fragment with ViewPager and.. users only and i should ask use to login when the fragment becomes visible alert dialog . BUT the ViewPager creates the second..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse is other then it auto formatting the method for me. This becomes quite a pain having to manually recreate ALL my overridden methods..
android ellipsize multiline textview Note that there is a listener to notify you when the text becomes ellipsized which I found quite useful myself. import java.util.ArrayList..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] 16 18 98 73 You pop the 2nd ball which disappears your int becomes n 3 int 50 25 98 73 16 18 98 73 notice how we don't even care..
Background ListView becomes black when scrolling ListView becomes black when scrolling I have created a specific List which exists..
How to implement an endless gallery in Android? desired result. This means that the logic in checkPosition becomes position position mImageIds.length if position 0 position position..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue and only modifies the color of the image. For example becomes After doing some research it appears that the ColorMatrixColorFilter..
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages #7. Having multiple entry points for your application becomes more challenging e.g. multiple icons in launcher app widget..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser complex structure with repeating tags in different levels becomes tricky. There you'd have to either use Enums for example to..
Highlight ListView selected row and no selection. Any selected item in a list of in a grid becomes unselected as soon as the user enters touch mode. Similarly..
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor I make the device 'stand up' the value of the 'roll' just becomes crazy. Also I'm experiencing the phenomenon similar to so called..
Disable ScrollView Programmatically? the screen orientation changes so in Landscape the text becomes bigger.. And I want the scrollview so the image doesnt stretch.. so the image doesnt stretch it self and the text becomes unreadable.. scrollview.Enabled false setVisibility false doesnt..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger the dots using a loop. Also for long drawing sessions this becomes computationally intensive to calculate. Hope that helps... fun..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? if the activity comes to the foreground or onStop if it becomes hidden. onResume Called when the activity will start interacting..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException As webserver is taking lot of time to response main thread becomes unresponsive. To avoid it you should call it on another thread...
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager Problem Fragment onResume in ViewPager is fired before the fragment becomes actually visible. F.e... when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager Problem Fragment onResume in ViewPager is fired before the fragment becomes actually visible. F.e. i have 2 fragment with ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter . The second fragment can be available.. . The second fragment can be available for authorized users only and i should ask use to login when the fragment becomes visible alert dialog . BUT the ViewPager creates the second fragment when the first is visible in order to cache the second..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse names I already had so I don't really know where the problem is other then it auto formatting the method for me. This becomes quite a pain having to manually recreate ALL my overridden methods by hand. If anyone can explain why this happens or how..
android ellipsize multiline textview attribution or under the Apache license if you would prefer. Note that there is a listener to notify you when the text becomes ellipsized which I found quite useful myself. import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List import android.content.Context..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] simplified for the sake of this example n 4 int 50 25 70 32 16 18 98 73 You pop the 2nd ball which disappears your int becomes n 3 int 50 25 98 73 16 18 98 73 notice how we don't even care about cleaning the 4th ball 98 73 we simply keep track of..
Background ListView becomes black when scrolling ListView becomes black when scrolling I have created a specific List which exists out of the following elements to create a scrollable list..
How to implement an endless gallery in Android? negative then b a 0 . Also if we make f a a b b we get our desired result. This means that the logic in checkPosition becomes position position mImageIds.length if position 0 position position mImageIds.length which should work for all values of..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue where the graphic retains its transparency and luminosity and only modifies the color of the image. For example becomes After doing some research it appears that the ColorMatrixColorFilter class may do what I need but I can't seem to find any..
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages deal with all of them at once rather than activity at a time. #7. Having multiple entry points for your application becomes more challenging e.g. multiple icons in launcher app widget linking to some activity other than the main one responding..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser it is pretty easy to manage that but having to parse a more complex structure with repeating tags in different levels becomes tricky. There you'd have to either use Enums for example to set your current state and a lot of switch case statemenets..
Highlight ListView selected row through the touch screen. In touch mode there is no focus and no selection. Any selected item in a list of in a grid becomes unselected as soon as the user enters touch mode. Similarly any focused widgets become unfocused when the user enters touch..
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor android device is rotated above some bounds. For instance if I make the device 'stand up' the value of the 'roll' just becomes crazy. Also I'm experiencing the phenomenon similar to so called gimbal lock. The only difference is I'm experiencing the..
Disable ScrollView Programmatically? I have a gallery with text images and on a button click the screen orientation changes so in Landscape the text becomes bigger.. And I want the scrollview so the image doesnt stretch it self and the text becomes unreadable.. scrollview.Enabled.. so in Landscape the text becomes bigger.. And I want the scrollview so the image doesnt stretch it self and the text becomes unreadable.. scrollview.Enabled false setVisibility false doesnt make anything.. xml ScrollView android id @ id QuranGalleryScrollView..
Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger y This produces smooth lines but sometimes has to connect the dots using a loop. Also for long drawing sessions this becomes computationally intensive to calculate. Hope that helps... fun stuff to play around with. Edit I threw together a quick..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes to the foreground or onStop if it becomes hidden. onResume Called when the activity will start interacting with the user. At this point your activity is at the top..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException method on asynctask then only above code will work. As webserver is taking lot of time to response main thread becomes unresponsive. To avoid it you should call it on another thread. Hence asynctask is better. http android