android Programming Glossary: bear
Killing android application on pause onStop which would at least solve the dialog problem. Also bear in mind that users will may get confused when using your app..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size cell group. When using either of these techniques bear in mind that cell groups may be defined to overlap. For an example..
Android Beginner: Setting Wallpaper Beginner Setting Wallpaper I am a beginner so please bear with me. I created an app that allows you to scroll through..
Exception in loading layout: java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest()Ljava/util/Map$Entry; I was having the same problem very new to Android here so bear with me . I see in the StackTrace it says the error comes from..
Android: customize application's menu (e.g background color) via onKeyDown or something and render what you want but bear in mind that users will be expecting it to look like the rest..
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes impossible. Anyone seeking Android answers should bear in mind that the Android is a swiftly moving target and answers..
Android - Service wont stop? ServiceConnection 's onServiceDisconnected method Also bear in mind that the exact timing of the service being destroyed..
Is it possible to record phone calls via an Android App? the speaker I'm kind of new to Android development so bear with me I assume that I could probably record into WAV and then..
How to change the font on the TextView? fonts with your application and use them via setTypeface bear in mind that font files are big and in some cases require licensing..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver has a capital T and yours in the manifest does not. Please bear in mind that this Intent action is not documented. share improve..
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity the world am I doing wrong I'm extremely novice so please bear with me. android popupwindow share improve this question..
translate animation adding android fillAfter true to your translate tag. Just bear in mind that the image hasn't really moved. If you need to update..
Android ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout button listviewitem share improve this question Do bear in mind that in the ListView row items are RECYCLED. This is..
Minimum Hardware requirements for Android development [closed] loaded and it will be more responsive than first use. Also bear in mind that if you give your emulator a 2GB SD card for example..
Android phone orientation overview including compass is actually in the sea off the coast of Africa but bear with me. I hold my phone in front of my face so that the bottom.. the values 3 array has values 0 Azimuth the compass bearing east of magnetic north values 1 Pitch rotation around x axis.. I don't know the reason Android gives the azimuth compass bearing rather than the reading of the third accelerometer is that..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates Oki I have worked this out mathematically myself so please bear with me. If you want to translate an acceleration vector accelerationvalues..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 pool with a minimum of 5 threads and a maximum of 128. Now bear in mind that the vast majority of Android devices in use today..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy be broadcast whenever the hardware feels like it. Also bear in mind that other data changes within that Intent such as temperature...
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off of me shaking the device. So basically my questions are bear with me I'm almost finishing P is it possible to have low level..
Killing android application on pause onPause in your activity and call finish on your activity. Bear in mind though that this will occur on every pause including..
ListView or TableLayout? mean the use of an AdapterView is pretty much essential. Bear in mind that when answering this I've made the assumption that..
Parse JSON into a ListView friendly output actual phone hardware...and my desktop is a quad core. Bear in mind that the emulator is pretending to be an ARM chipset..
Writing to internal SD card on Android if they have anything on their respective developer sites. Bear in mind that on some of these devices other partitions or cards..
startActivity() from BroadcastReceiver call it whatever you want and have it call startActivity . Bear in mind that users probably do not want you doing this. There..
myLocationOverlay change the marker drawMyLocation and draw the marker however you like. Bear in mind that this method not only draws the marker but if the..
Android audio and voice processing this question Question Which bear is best Answer Black Bear Seriously though you would need to state your criteria for the..
Raw resources versus SQLite database use an XML file s and then access it as a raw resource. Bear in mind that there's likely going to be a LOT of data to the..
Get GPS Location instantly via Android app and from your onLocationChanged method. Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that getLastKnownLocation..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind not to update to often widget updates use battery power. Bear in mind that the broadcast is received by ALL widget providers..
Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML) is because your XML is not defining the layouts correctly. Bear in mind the Android tools convert XML layouts into code so there's..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video code and hack the SurfaceHolder.Callback implementation. Bear in mind that VideoView use some internal hide API so if you..
Killing android application on pause a Notification . You might want to consider doing finish in onStop which would at least solve the dialog problem. Also bear in mind that users will may get confused when using your app thinking it has crashed since it is gone when they try to get..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size use a LinearLayout subview to hold the components in the associated cell group. When using either of these techniques bear in mind that cell groups may be defined to overlap. For an example and some practical pointers take a look at last year's..
Android Beginner: Setting Wallpaper Beginner Setting Wallpaper I am a beginner so please bear with me. I created an app that allows you to scroll through a choice of wallpapers and select one. Everything works perfectly..
Exception in loading layout: java.util.LinkedHashMap.eldest()Ljava/util/Map$Entry; android android layout share improve this question I was having the same problem very new to Android here so bear with me . I see in the StackTrace it says the error comes from ...SpellChecker. So I thought maybe if I disable spell checking..
Android: customize application's menu (e.g background color) menu framework. You are welcome to intercept the MENU button via onKeyDown or something and render what you want but bear in mind that users will be expecting it to look like the rest of the menus do on their device. share improve this answer..
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes of answers should be deleted due to old age but that's apparently impossible. Anyone seeking Android answers should bear in mind that the Android is a swiftly moving target and answers from 2009 are typically worse than are newer answers. The..
Android - Service wont stop? case you may get better luck if you call stopService from your ServiceConnection 's onServiceDisconnected method Also bear in mind that the exact timing of the service being destroyed is up to Android and may not be immediate. So for example if..
Is it possible to record phone calls via an Android App? to get access to the microphone and what's coming through the speaker I'm kind of new to Android development so bear with me I assume that I could probably record into WAV and then at the end of the call transcode it into MP3 using LAME..
How to change the font on the TextView? and Droid Serif serif . While you can bundle your own fonts with your application and use them via setTypeface bear in mind that font files are big and in some cases require licensing agreements e.g. Helvetica a Linotype font . share improve..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver
Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity says Unable to add window token null is not valid What in the world am I doing wrong I'm extremely novice so please bear with me. android popupwindow share improve this question To avoid BadTokenException you need to defer showing the popup..
translate animation That said you can achieve what you want in a simple way by adding android fillAfter true to your translate tag. Just bear in mind that the image hasn't really moved. If you need to update your layout at animation end hook up an AnimationListener..
Android ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout me along the GMail app's source code. android listview radio button listviewitem share improve this question Do bear in mind that in the ListView row items are RECYCLED. This is likely to explain why actions on one row are affecting another...
Minimum Hardware requirements for Android development [closed] that once the emulator is up and running you can leave it loaded and it will be more responsive than first use. Also bear in mind that if you give your emulator a 2GB SD card for example it will try to create that through virtual memory if there..
Android phone orientation overview including compass prime meridian and 0 degrees latitude equator . This location is actually in the sea off the coast of Africa but bear with me. I hold my phone in front of my face so that the bottom of the phone points to my feet I am facing North looking.. so that whenever a SensorEvent of TYPE_ORIENTATION is generated the values 3 array has values 0 Azimuth the compass bearing east of magnetic north values 1 Pitch rotation around x axis is the phone leaning forward or back values 2 Roll rotation.. phone leaning over on its left or right side So I think ie I don't know the reason Android gives the azimuth compass bearing rather than the reading of the third accelerometer is that the compass bearing is just more useful. I'm not sure why..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates device accelerometer share improve this question Oki I have worked this out mathematically myself so please bear with me. If you want to translate an acceleration vector accelerationvalues into an acceleration vector trueacceleration..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 you will see that as of Gingerbread it used a thread pool with a minimum of 5 threads and a maximum of 128. Now bear in mind that the vast majority of Android devices in use today are single core. Hence unless your intense tasks are intensely..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy do you see that documented AFAIK ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED will be broadcast whenever the hardware feels like it. Also bear in mind that other data changes within that Intent such as temperature. If you want to implement this app widget do not..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off the event received contains always the same values regardless of me shaking the device. So basically my questions are bear with me I'm almost finishing P is it possible to have low level access C C approach to the accelerometer hardware WITHOUT..
Killing android application on pause android 1.5 share improve this question Implement onPause in your activity and call finish on your activity. Bear in mind though that this will occur on every pause including dialogs incoming calls users activating a Notification . You..
ListView or TableLayout? of Bitmap s the memory constraints of an Android device also mean the use of an AdapterView is pretty much essential. Bear in mind that when answering this I've made the assumption that you're trying to show a vertical or tabular list of items..
Parse JSON into a ListView friendly output development machine. For me the emulator is usually slower than actual phone hardware...and my desktop is a quad core. Bear in mind that the emulator is pretending to be an ARM chipset running on your PC converting ARM opcodes into x86 opcodes..
Writing to internal SD card on Android might document how to access these you would have to see if they have anything on their respective developer sites. Bear in mind that on some of these devices other partitions or cards may not be readable or writable from regular SDK applications...
startActivity() from BroadcastReceiver public Java class here named OnPowerReceiver though you can call it whatever you want and have it call startActivity . Bear in mind that users probably do not want you doing this. There are many other cases for connecting a phone to power besides..
myLocationOverlay change the marker Step #1 Create a subclass of MyLocationOverlay . Step #2 Override drawMyLocation and draw the marker however you like. Bear in mind that this method not only draws the marker but if the user's position moves near the edge of the screen and we've..
Android audio and voice processing in android. Thanks in advance. android share improve this question Question Which bear is best Answer Black Bear Seriously though you would need to state your criteria for the audio file for us to make a codec recommendation. Does it..
Raw resources versus SQLite database to handle that data. I'm wondering if it makes sense to just use an XML file s and then access it as a raw resource. Bear in mind that there's likely going to be a LOT of data to the order of hundreds of separate pieces. Am I right to assume..
Get GPS Location instantly via Android app method and then call that method both after you call getLastKnownLocation and from your onLocationChanged method. Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that getLastKnownLocation will provide a meaningful Location since you the device might..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind widget to be updated NO SERVICE REQUIRED Of course be careful not to update to often widget updates use battery power. Bear in mind that the broadcast is received by ALL widget providers and its our special keys that ensure it is only our widgets..
Best practices: Layouts on Android (Programmatic vs XML) hell. I expect the reason your layouts don't look the same is because your XML is not defining the layouts correctly. Bear in mind the Android tools convert XML layouts into code so there's no inherent problem with using XML layouts versus dynamic..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video is create you own VideoView class by copying the source code and hack the SurfaceHolder.Callback implementation. Bear in mind that VideoView use some internal hide API so if you want to create a copy of VideoView in your own project you have..