android Programming Glossary: beforedescendants
Focusable EditText inside ListView id @android id list android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent android descendantFocusability beforeDescendants I use beforeDescendants because the selector will only be drawn when the ListView itself not a child has focus so the default.. layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent android descendantFocusability beforeDescendants I use beforeDescendants because the selector will only be drawn when the ListView itself not a child has focus so the default behavior needs to.. myEditText.requestFocus else if listView.isFocused listView.setItemsCanFocus false Use beforeDescendants so that the EditText doesn't re take focus listView.setDescendantFocusability ViewGroup.FOCUS_BEFORE_DESCENDANTS listView.requestFocus..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] android layout_weight 1.0 android layout_width fill_parent android focusable true android descendantFocusability beforeDescendants LinearLayout public class MyListActivity extends ListActivity private EditText mfilterEditText @Override public.. android layout_weight 1.0 android layout_width fill_parent android focusable true android descendantFocusability beforeDescendants LinearLayout Anyway I end up using Dyarish's answer in both cases. So I am awarding the boundy to him..Thanks all other.. android layout_weight 1.0 android layout_width fill_parent android focusable true android descendantFocusability beforeDescendants LinearLayout EDIT To Make keyboard appear on startup This is to make they Keyboard appear on the username edittextbox..