android Programming Glossary: beautifully
How do I persist cookies when using HTTPUrlConnection? LoopJ's PersistentCookieStore earlier and that worked beautifully. Any idea on how I could set up a persistent cookie store in..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? work to pull those pixels back to the CPU. This call works beautifully except for a few small problems The risk of using an unsupported..
Why is Android WebView refusing user input? to display the login page for Facebook. The page loads beautifully and I'm able to select the username password textboxes but typing..
Android: softkeyboard control on HTC desire a tip from commonware on where to start I got this working beautifully on the emulator. Then I came to load it on to my HTC desire..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android I have an SSLClient class that I created that works beautifully on regular desktop Java SE 6. I've moved it into my Android..
Elegant way to read file into byte[] array in Java [duplicate] and my question is How to do read data from file into byte beautifully java android file file io share improve this question Call..
Could not find Library.apk! class everything is in a Library Project. It works beautifully except that Eclipse's Console not LogCat issues the following..
Replace fragment with another fragment inside ViewPager fragment4 transaction.commit ..the fragment is replaced beautifully and Fragment4 is shown instead of Fragment1. Though as soon..
IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id for fragment when fast switching ActionBar Tabs to change the layout and then add the fragments. It works beautifully unless you start aggressively switching between tabs. I got..
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times sending # pop up with a custom alert. I have it working beautifully with a broadcast receiver however if the user has goSms installed..
How do I persist cookies when using HTTPUrlConnection? wraps up the subject about cookies in two lines. I've been using LoopJ's PersistentCookieStore earlier and that worked beautifully. Any idea on how I could set up a persistent cookie store in Android that I can attach to my HTTPUrlConnection that saves..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? compositors and the Surface Flinger has to do even more work to pull those pixels back to the CPU. This call works beautifully except for a few small problems The risk of using an unsupported API which might break at any moment The hassle of calling..
Why is Android WebView refusing user input? I'm developing an Android application that uses a WebView to display the login page for Facebook. The page loads beautifully and I'm able to select the username password textboxes but typing in them will not work. That is they definitely have input..
Android: softkeyboard control on HTC desire that closed and executed a calculation class. Thanks to a tip from commonware on where to start I got this working beautifully on the emulator. Then I came to load it on to my HTC desire for testing and it doesn't work at all. I'm sure it must be..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android that requires both client and server certificate authentication. I have an SSLClient class that I created that works beautifully on regular desktop Java SE 6. I've moved it into my Android project and I'm getting the following error KeyStore JKS implementation..
Elegant way to read file into byte[] array in Java [duplicate] rawdata 0 rawdata.length I think this code looks ugly and my question is How to do read data from file into byte beautifully java android file file io share improve this question Call any of these byte
Could not find Library.apk! nicely so that except for a few methods in a derived Activity class everything is in a Library Project. It works beautifully except that Eclipse's Console not LogCat issues the following error message 2011 06 13 19 54 08 MyLibrary Could not find..
Replace fragment with another fragment inside ViewPager transaction.replace fragment4 transaction.commit ..the fragment is replaced beautifully and Fragment4 is shown instead of Fragment1. Though as soon as I swipe all the way to Fragment3 and then back to Fragment4..
IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id for fragment when fast switching ActionBar Tabs you click on a tab the listener will call setContentView to change the layout and then add the fragments. It works beautifully unless you start aggressively switching between tabs. I got the idea for this from http resources..
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times on an app to intercept text messages and depending on the sending # pop up with a custom alert. I have it working beautifully with a broadcast receiver however if the user has goSms installed the onReceive method is never called as goSms aborts it..