android Programming Glossary: begin
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue implementations if it was implemented correctly to begin with . If you see this error message that means you did not..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites activities invoking finish on each one. I'll probably begin implementing this method soon. I'd rather use some Intent flag..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app?
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes ... @Override public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState begin boilerplate code that allows parent classes to save state Parcelable.. public void onRestoreInstanceState Parcelable state begin boilerplate code so parent classes can restore state if state..
Update UI from Thread types called Params Progress and Result and 4 steps called begin doInBackground processProgress and end. The 4 steps When an..
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones to the listener when the speech recognizer is ready to begin listening for speech and as it receives speech and converts..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android protected Void doInBackground String... arg0 int begin end String tmpstr null try URL url new URL http buffer.append buf 0 chars_read tmpstr buffer.toString begin tmpstr.indexOf url_encoded_fmt_stream_map end tmpstr.indexOf.. url_encoded_fmt_stream_map end tmpstr.indexOf begin 27 if end 1 end tmpstr.indexOf begin 27 tmpstr UtilClass.URLDecode..
Twitter API returns invalid callback - Cannot authorize oauthflow twitter TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL MY CALLBACK BEGIN else if url.startsWith TWITTER_CALLBACK_INVALID_PREFIX url..
Add Calendar event to Android from web .vcs download Content Disposition attachment filename london2012.vcs BEGIN VCALENDAR PRODID AT Content Types AT Event EN VERSION 2.0 METHOD.. AT Content Types AT Event EN VERSION 2.0 METHOD PUBLISH BEGIN VEVENT DTSTAMP 20120801T133822Z CREATED 20120801T042948Z LAST..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) tmpIn mmOutStream tmpOut public void run Log.i TAG BEGIN mConnectedThread final byte buffer new byte 1024 int bytes.. working better because of Sleep public void run Log.i TAG BEGIN IN mConnectedThread byte buffer new byte 1024 int bytes Keep..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android STATE_CONNECTING I BluetoothChatService 1729 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work 23605 setState 0 2 I BluetoothZephyrService 23605 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 19147 stopDiscoveryNative.. 23605 setState 1 1 D BluetoothZephyrService 23605 BEGIN mAcceptThreadThread Thread 9 5 main D BluetoothSocket 23605..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service my error. 12 23 09 42 48.429 DEBUG installd 32 DexInv BEGIN ' data app vmdl33143.tmp' 12 23 09 42 51.708 DEBUG dalvikvm..
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL The public key needs to be in PEM format and I added the BEGIN and END tokens and some line breaks. My problem is that I can..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? SomeStringValue_Unicorns Unicorns prefEdit.commit BEGIN EXAMPLE File myPath new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Problem with Runtime.exec and Android for int i 0 i 20 i Log.d TESTEXEC EXEC N° i BEGIN try Process process runtime.exec system bin ps process.getErrorStream.. basically when this snippet works it prints this EXEC N°0 BEGIN EXEC N°0 END EXEC N°1 BEGIN EXEC N°1 END ... EXEC N°19 BEGIN.. works it prints this EXEC N°0 BEGIN EXEC N°0 END EXEC N°1 BEGIN EXEC N°1 END ... EXEC N°19 BEGIN EXEC N°19 END But instead of..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException database is locked BEGIN EXCLUSIVE at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException database is locked BEGIN EXCLUSIVE at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.native_execSQL..
how do I delete column from sqlite table in android? The following steps illustrate how this could be done BEGIN TRANSACTION CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1_backup a b INSERT INTO..
NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard that uses the support library and ActionBarSherlock. ## Begin proguard configuration common for all Android apps optimizationpasses.. static v ... public static e ... public static i ... ## Begin proguard configuration for Gson # Gson uses generic type information.. ## End proguard configuration for Gson ## Begin proguard configuration for ActionBarSherlock keep class
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback fileSize r n headers Connection close r n headers r n Begin with HTTP header int fc 0 long cbToSend fileSize cbSkip OutputStream..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd void run connectionStatus.setText Connected. try Begin video communication final ParcelFileDescriptor pfd ParcelFileDescriptor.fromSocket..
listview with radio group error I'm not sure about this.. Begin mbutton new RadioButton 5 for int l 0 l 5 l mbutton l new RadioButton.. Log.d tag me else viewHolder ViewHolder convertView.getTag Begin mbutton viewHolder.mgroup End Log.d tag meeee ViewHolder holder..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue error message to help you. This in theory does not break previous implementations if it was implemented correctly to begin with . If you see this error message that means you did not configure your app settings correctly on your dashboard . Double..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites I will access this list and iterate over all previously opened activities invoking finish on each one. I'll probably begin implementing this method soon. I'd rather use some Intent flag trickery to accomplish this however. I'd be beyond happy..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app?
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes public class CustomView extends View private int stateToSave ... @Override public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState begin boilerplate code that allows parent classes to save state Parcelable superState super.onSaveInstanceState SavedState ss.. superState end ss.stateToSave this.stateToSave return ss @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Parcelable state begin boilerplate code so parent classes can restore state if state instanceof SavedState super.onRestoreInstanceState state return..
Update UI from Thread the UI thread. An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types called Params Progress and Result and 4 steps called begin doInBackground processProgress and end. The 4 steps When an asynchronous task is executed the task goes through 4 steps..
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android dialog.setMessage Downloading... @Override protected Void doInBackground String... arg0 int begin end String tmpstr null try URL url new URL http watch v y12 1miZHLs nomobile 1 HttpURLConnection con HttpURLConnection.. int chars_read while chars_read buf 0 262144 1 buffer.append buf 0 chars_read tmpstr buffer.toString begin tmpstr.indexOf url_encoded_fmt_stream_map end tmpstr.indexOf begin 27 if end 1 end tmpstr.indexOf begin 27 tmpstr UtilClass.URLDecode.. buf 0 chars_read tmpstr buffer.toString begin tmpstr.indexOf url_encoded_fmt_stream_map end tmpstr.indexOf begin 27 if end 1 end tmpstr.indexOf begin 27 tmpstr UtilClass.URLDecode tmpstr.substring begin 27 end catch MalformedURLException..
Twitter API returns invalid callback - Cannot authorize String TWITTER_CALLBACK_INVALID_PREFIX https api.twitter.comx oauthflow twitter TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL MY CALLBACK BEGIN else if url.startsWith TWITTER_CALLBACK_INVALID_PREFIX url url.substring TWITTER_CALLBACK_INVALID_PREFIX.length url Constants.TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL..
Add Calendar event to Android from web .vcs download this index.php php header Content Type text x vCalendar header Content Disposition attachment filename london2012.vcs BEGIN VCALENDAR PRODID AT Content Types AT Event EN VERSION 2.0 METHOD PUBLISH BEGIN VEVENT DTSTAMP 20120801T133822Z CREATED 20120801T042948Z.. attachment filename london2012.vcs BEGIN VCALENDAR PRODID AT Content Types AT Event EN VERSION 2.0 METHOD PUBLISH BEGIN VEVENT DTSTAMP 20120801T133822Z CREATED 20120801T042948Z LAST MODIFIED 20120801T043003Z SUMMARY Olympic Games DTSTART 20120727T000000Z..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) IOException e Log.e TAG temp sockets not created e mmInStream tmpIn mmOutStream tmpOut public void run Log.i TAG BEGIN mConnectedThread final byte buffer new byte 1024 int bytes Keep listening to the InputStream while connected while true.. handler has read it Regards Adrian Wreyford Updated code working better because of Sleep public void run Log.i TAG BEGIN IN mConnectedThread byte buffer new byte 1024 int bytes Keep listening to the InputStream while connected while true ..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android E BluetoothChat 1729 ON RESUME I BluetoothChat 1729 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE STATE_CONNECTING I BluetoothChatService 1729 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work 23605 initSocketFromFdNative D BluetoothZephyrService 23605 setState 0 2 I BluetoothZephyrService 23605 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 19147 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid.. 23605 Unable to connect device D BluetoothZephyrService 23605 setState 1 1 D BluetoothZephyrService 23605 BEGIN mAcceptThreadThread Thread 9 5 main D BluetoothSocket 23605 accept D BluetoothSocket.cpp 23605 acceptNative I BluetoothZephyr..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service nice piece of code or explanation. Now can some one please solve my error. 12 23 09 42 48.429 DEBUG installd 32 DexInv BEGIN ' data app vmdl33143.tmp' 12 23 09 42 51.708 DEBUG dalvikvm 328 DexOpt 'Lorg xmlpull v1 XmlPullParser ' has an earlier definition..
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL purchase bundle and the use the data from the same bundle. The public key needs to be in PEM format and I added the BEGIN and END tokens and some line breaks. My problem is that I can not get this PHP code to successfully verify the data signature..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? 100 prefEdit.putFloat SomeFloatValue_1.11 1.11f prefEdit.putString SomeStringValue_Unicorns Unicorns prefEdit.commit BEGIN EXAMPLE File myPath new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File myFile new File myPath MySharedPreferences..
Problem with Runtime.exec and Android setContentView R.layout.main Runtime runtime Runtime.getRuntime for int i 0 i 20 i Log.d TESTEXEC EXEC N° i BEGIN try Process process runtime.exec system bin ps process.getErrorStream .close process.getOutputStream .close process.getInputStream.. e e.printStackTrace Log.d TESTEXEC EXEC N° i END So basically when this snippet works it prints this EXEC N°0 BEGIN EXEC N°0 END EXEC N°1 BEGIN EXEC N°1 END ... EXEC N°19 BEGIN EXEC N°19 END But instead of that sometimes it looks like it's.. Log.d TESTEXEC EXEC N° i END So basically when this snippet works it prints this EXEC N°0 BEGIN EXEC N°0 END EXEC N°1 BEGIN EXEC N°1 END ... EXEC N°19 BEGIN EXEC N°19 END But instead of that sometimes it looks like it's a bit random it just prints..
SQLite exception: Database is locked issue com.example.flashcards.common.SplashWindow android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException database is locked BEGIN EXCLUSIVE at 1830 .... Caused by android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException.. 1830 .... Caused by android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException database is locked BEGIN EXCLUSIVE at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.native_execSQL Native Method at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.execSQL..
how do I delete column from sqlite table in android? a b and c and that you want to delete column c from this table. The following steps illustrate how this could be done BEGIN TRANSACTION CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1_backup a b INSERT INTO t1_backup SELECT a b FROM t1 DROP TABLE t1 CREATE TABLE t1..
NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard what it could be here's a full proguard for one of my apps that uses the support library and ActionBarSherlock. ## Begin proguard configuration common for all Android apps optimizationpasses 5 dontusemixedcaseclassnames dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses.. class android.util.Log public static d ... public static v ... public static e ... public static i ... ## Begin proguard configuration for Gson # Gson uses generic type information stored in a class file when working with fields. Proguard.. keep class com.antew.redditinpictures.library.reddit. ## End proguard configuration for Gson ## Begin proguard configuration for ActionBarSherlock keep class keep interface keep..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback headers Content Type MIME TYPE HERE r n headers Content Length fileSize r n headers Connection close r n headers r n Begin with HTTP header int fc 0 long cbToSend fileSize cbSkip OutputStream output null byte buff new byte 64 1024 try output..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd new Runnable @Override public void run connectionStatus.setText Connected. try Begin video communication final ParcelFileDescriptor pfd ParcelFileDescriptor.fromSocket client new Runnable ..
listview with radio group error viewHolder.mgroup RadioGroup view.findViewById I'm not sure about this.. Begin mbutton new RadioButton 5 for int l 0 l 5 l mbutton l new RadioButton context mbutton l .setText test l viewHolder.mgroup.addView.. Log.d text event1 return End view.setTag viewHolder Log.d tag me else viewHolder ViewHolder convertView.getTag Begin mbutton viewHolder.mgroup End Log.d tag meeee ViewHolder holder ViewHolder view.getTag holder.text.setText list.get position..