android Programming Glossary: beginner
Working with ViewPager and Fragments with ViewPager and Fragments I am a beginner Android developer. I am trying to get my head around the ViewPager...
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? but i dont have idea how to implement with this code. Im beginner in android sorry for bad english and noob question. Hope anyone..
Android Beginner: Setting Wallpaper Beginner Setting Wallpaper I am a beginner so please bear with me. I created an app that allows you to..
Ellipse detection with OpenCV out. Any help would be much appreciated as I am a total beginner at OpenCV This is what I've tried so far case Sample2NativeCamera.VIEW_MODE_CANNY..
Debugging Issues (Android Eclipse) Nexus with a 4.1 build could be the problem . I am also a beginner probably excruciatingly obvious . Thanks for any help. SOLVED..
Is there any useful Android Animation Tutorial for beginners? [closed] there any useful Android Animation Tutorial for beginners closed Is there any good android animation tutorials to do.. http android category android beginner tutorials Hope you will enjoy the Android Animation. share..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview extra. I had told you to not to repeat the code as you are beginner it is very important for you to follow as it will make your..
Out of memory Error on setImageResource mention the standard disclaimer now that I am a complete beginner when it comes to coding in java android and that I have looked..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] What tutorials and libraries are available which can help beginners to develop 2D and 3D games on Android using OpenGL ES I'm looking.. for OpenGL ES libraries which can make life easier for beginners in OpenGL ES. Since Android is still small I guess it may be.. es from ground up table of.html As for libraries which a beginner might use to get a simpler hands on experience with OpenGL ES..
Eclipse logcat debugging logcat debugging I have a beginner question I want to debug my app and i don't know how to use..
how to play video from url to play video from url I am beginner in android development and try to play video from link. But..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] but its to complicated to understand the code. For a beginner level I just want to know how to handle the tag between the..
Android: how to code depending on the version of the API? class that uses another API LEVEL. The only detail one beginner could forget is that you have to compile your app with the newest..
Remote Database access Database access I'm really a beginner I'm reading many different Android books as I would like to..
Java Eclipse Android Beginner Question - How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References Project More generally can someone point me to some good beginner references books or online tutorials that cover this. I would..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development distance for Android Application Development I am just a beginner in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer..
android fragment- How to save states of views in a fragment when another fragment is pushed on top of it savedInstanceState.getInt curChoice 0 I'm a beginner in Fragments but it seems like solution of your problem OnActivityCreated..
android emulator error:[2011-08-02 11:14:01 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open: C:\Users\hallo\.android/avd/myemu.ini Could not open C Users hallo .android avd myemu.ini I am beginner android application developer. I have done lot of apps in eclipse..
hardcoded string “row three”, should use @string resource &ldquo row three&rdquo should use @string resource I'm a beginner android developer I was trying to run this Linear Layout in..
Android custom RatingBar image artifacts okay and if rating 0 the lines don't appear. I'm android beginner and can't understand what the problem is. android layout rating..
Working with ViewPager and Fragments with ViewPager and Fragments I am a beginner Android developer. I am trying to get my head around the ViewPager. Before I was trying to work with this example http
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? encrypt an image with AES maybe it must using i o file stream but i dont have idea how to implement with this code. Im beginner in android sorry for bad english and noob question. Hope anyone can help thank you Edited i try using FileOutputStream it..
Android Beginner: Setting Wallpaper Beginner Setting Wallpaper I am a beginner so please bear with me. I created an app that allows you to scroll through a choice of wallpapers and select one. Everything..
Ellipse detection with OpenCV will only find perfect or so circles thus leaving ellipses out. Any help would be much appreciated as I am a total beginner at OpenCV This is what I've tried so far case Sample2NativeCamera.VIEW_MODE_CANNY ignore the Canny mode... capture.retrieve..
Debugging Issues (Android Eclipse) why this has started happening. I am using a Verizon Galaxy Nexus with a 4.1 build could be the problem . I am also a beginner probably excruciatingly obvious . Thanks for any help. SOLVED Apparently I had to update eclipse and the SDK i feel dumb..
Is there any useful Android Animation Tutorial for beginners? [closed] there any useful Android Animation Tutorial for beginners closed Is there any good android animation tutorials to do in views or the transitions A complete tutorial or guide may..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview rid of TAG_NAMATOKO TAG_KATEGORI TAG_EMAIL from your intent extra. I had told you to not to repeat the code as you are beginner it is very important for you to follow as it will make your life easy by taking such considerations and making your habbit...
Out of memory Error on setImageResource perfectly fine in an earlier iteration of the app. I should mention the standard disclaimer now that I am a complete beginner when it comes to coding in java android and that I have looked at other questions relating similar issues but no one else..
Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android [closed] and libraries for OpenGL ES games on Android closed What tutorials and libraries are available which can help beginners to develop 2D and 3D games on Android using OpenGL ES I'm looking for tutorials which can help me learn OpenGL ES and I'm.. for tutorials which can help me learn OpenGL ES and I'm looking for OpenGL ES libraries which can make life easier for beginners in OpenGL ES. Since Android is still small I guess it may be help full to read iPhone OpenGL ES tutorials as well as I.. http 2009 05 opengl es from ground up table of.html As for libraries which a beginner might use to get a simpler hands on experience with OpenGL ES I have only found Rokon which is recently started thus has..
Eclipse logcat debugging logcat debugging I have a beginner question I want to debug my app and i don't know how to use the Logcat properly. Right now I am getting this error and i..
how to play video from url to play video from url I am beginner in android development and try to play video from link. But it's giving error sorry we can't play this video . I tried so..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] I refered the Shelves opensource project example from romainguy but its to complicated to understand the code. For a beginner level I just want to know how to handle the tag between the adapter and activity. From the commonsware example I can set..
Android: how to code depending on the version of the API? LEVEL you instance one class that uses an API LEVEL or another class that uses another API LEVEL. The only detail one beginner could forget is that you have to compile your app with the newest SDK you are goint to make reference. public abstract class..
Remote Database access Database access I'm really a beginner I'm reading many different Android books as I would like to learn how to develop my own app. The app I've in mind is going..
Java Eclipse Android Beginner Question - How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References do you use your newly created library in a Ecliple Android Project More generally can someone point me to some good beginner references books or online tutorials that cover this. I would think that organizing your code in libaries as opposed to..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development I am just a beginner in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer can be used to return the current acceleration along three..
android fragment- How to save states of views in a fragment when another fragment is pushed on top of it null Restore last state for checked position. mCurCheckPosition savedInstanceState.getInt curChoice 0 I'm a beginner in Fragments but it seems like solution of your problem OnActivityCreated is invoked after fragment returns from back stack...
android emulator error:[2011-08-02 11:14:01 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open: C:\Users\hallo\.android/avd/myemu.ini emulator error 2011 08 02 11 14 01 Emulator PANIC Could not open C Users hallo .android avd myemu.ini I am beginner android application developer. I have done lot of apps in eclipse on emulator and device also. But now it is giving error..
hardcoded string “row three”, should use @string resource string &ldquo row three&rdquo should use @string resource I'm a beginner android developer I was trying to run this Linear Layout in eclipse xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..
Android custom RatingBar image artifacts appear on my view Here is star_on.png star_off.png looks okay and if rating 0 the lines don't appear. I'm android beginner and can't understand what the problem is. android layout rating share improve this question try with giving height..
Android Beginner: Setting Wallpaper Beginner Setting Wallpaper I am a beginner so please bear with me. I created an app that allows you to scroll through a choice of..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] Load images on Listview in android Beginner Level duplicate Possible Duplicate Android How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView I am working on the listview with..
Beginner: Best Practices in an Android App UI Navagation Best Practices in an Android App UI Navagation I am trying to learn how to do stuff in Android and I'm not sure of the..
How to access the SMS storage on Android? to access the SMS storage on Android Beginner Android dev here. I'm trying to create an app that will read the SMS messages stored on the device and then give the user..
Java Eclipse Android Beginner Question - How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References Eclipse Android Beginner Question How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References I'm just starting with Android developmenent using.. Eclipse Android Beginner Question How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References I'm just starting with Android developmenent using Eclipe and have already run into some basic questions. I..