android Programming Glossary: beckhoffactuatorview
Passing on variables from ViewModel to another View (MVVMCross) public IMvxCommand BeckhoffActuator1 get return new MvxRelayCommand Type type this.RequestNavigate Beckhoff.BeckhoffActuatorViewModel kvpAct1 When this IMvxCommand is fired button pressed the next View is loaded in this case the BeckhoffActuatorViewModel... kvpAct1 When this IMvxCommand is fired button pressed the next View is loaded in this case the BeckhoffActuatorViewModel. In the code of the BeckhoffActuatorView I use the keyvaluepair from above public class BeckhoffActuatorView MvxTouchDialogViewController.. is fired button pressed the next View is loaded in this case the BeckhoffActuatorViewModel. In the code of the BeckhoffActuatorView I use the keyvaluepair from above public class BeckhoffActuatorView MvxTouchDialogViewController BeckhoffActuatorViewModel..