android Programming Glossary: becoming
reading android jpeg EXIF metadata from picture callback I run it with the byte array I get from takePicture. I'm becoming concerned that the byte array doesn't have the data I need...
Android resource selection layout- and values- inconsistencies that my single fragment for all configurations code was becoming difficult to manage with various switch based logic which was..
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] officially supported. So if you care about Android or iOS becoming officially supported start running regular preferably daily..
Is Android layout really exponentially hard? spent some time in the core code and the doc and it's not becoming clear so that is why I'm asking the question here. android..
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable at some points that indicate the begin of BLE stack becoming unstable. E.g. if startScan returns false. A good point may..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] and the Eclipse environment debugging apps in Eclipse is becoming a serious detriment to further development. For example Eclipse..
Android OpenAL? on the system. Thanks.. I hope I can actually port without becoming a java expert myself. Really disliking the NDK so far android..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery void onAnimationEnd This disables the effect of a vehicle becoming focused when it is clicked. @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp..
Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance an object with a period and the context box pops up its becoming too painful to work with. I changed some settings in the Eclipse.ini..
Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up? I actually want it to remain at the bottom of the screen becoming hidden when the keyboard is shown. Anyone else run into this..
Android Organise Layouts into Sub Folders complex android app the contents of the 'layout' folder is becoming increasingly large. I've tried to organise the individual layout..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? I know little about ant and am having trouble becoming expert enough to solve my current issue. Further to NickT's..
howto programatically “restart” android app? . So how could I solve this to the activity stack becoming A L android share improve this question You can use PendingIntent..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] followed by onStart . onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? Horizontal 480 240 160 720px Edit adding xhdpi as they are becoming more popular xhdpi Vertical 960 320 160 1920px Horizontal 720..
Android: How to declare global variables? regret in the future as you find your Application object becoming this big tangled mess of what should be independent application.. regret in the future as you find your Application object becoming this big tangled mess of what should be independent application..
MEDIA_MOUNTED broadcast not being received I'm trying to configure my app to respond to the SD card becoming available going offline but my broadcast receiver never gets..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? followed by onStart onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes..
Detect ViewPager tab change inside Fragment that we are currently visible if this.isVisible If we are becoming invisible then... if isVisibleToUser Log.d MyFragment Not visible..
reading android jpeg EXIF metadata from picture callback as to part 1 I'm getting 0 tags back from the parser when I run it with the byte array I get from takePicture. I'm becoming concerned that the byte array doesn't have the data I need. I will continue to look into this but welcome any further insight...
Android resource selection layout- and values- inconsistencies bucket being used at runtime was born out of the realisation that my single fragment for all configurations code was becoming difficult to manage with various switch based logic which was not transparent and often duplicated features from other
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] run the tests for a particular platform that platform is not officially supported. So if you care about Android or iOS becoming officially supported start running regular preferably daily regression tests for Boost. See http development..
Is Android layout really exponentially hard? answered in order to determine how to move forward. I have spent some time in the core code and the doc and it's not becoming clear so that is why I'm asking the question here. android android layout android linearlayout share improve this question..
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable Restart Bluetooth . If that setting is enabled I restart Bluetooth at some points that indicate the begin of BLE stack becoming unstable. E.g. if startScan returns false. A good point may also be if serviceDiscovery failes. I just turn Bluetooth off..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] by Visual Studio because although I'm just learning Android and the Eclipse environment debugging apps in Eclipse is becoming a serious detriment to further development. For example Eclipse will compile this divide by zero just fine public class..
Android OpenAL? it and saw that there's almost no shared library access on the system. Thanks.. I hope I can actually port without becoming a java expert myself. Really disliking the NDK so far android audio android ndk openal alsa share improve this question..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery public interface OnAnimationEndListener public abstract void onAnimationEnd This disables the effect of a vehicle becoming focused when it is clicked. @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp MotionEvent e if getAdapter null if pointToPosition..
Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance something whatever it is. But frequently everytime I finish an object with a period and the context box pops up its becoming too painful to work with. I changed some settings in the Eclipse.ini file such as Xms1024m Xmx1024m launcher.XXMaxPermSize..
Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up? the tab for the drawer up so it sits atop the keyboard. I actually want it to remain at the bottom of the screen becoming hidden when the keyboard is shown. Anyone else run into this issue Know how to fix it android layout keyboard view share..
Android Organise Layouts into Sub Folders Organise Layouts into Sub Folders I have a fairly complex android app the contents of the 'layout' folder is becoming increasingly large. I've tried to organise the individual layout xml files into sub folders e.g. layout buttons layout activity..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? that is generated by android looks different to his . Unfortunately I know little about ant and am having trouble becoming expert enough to solve my current issue. Further to NickT's solution below running the ant script gives me the error taskdef..
howto programatically “restart” android app? called from an background task which is started by the AlarmManager . So how could I solve this to the activity stack becoming A L android share improve this question You can use PendingIntent to setup launching your start activty in future and..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] activity's previously frozen state if there was one. Always followed by onStart . onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes to the foreground or onStop if it becomes hidden. And you..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? 320 160 160 320px hdpi Vertical 640 240 160 960px Horizontal 480 240 160 720px Edit adding xhdpi as they are becoming more popular xhdpi Vertical 960 320 160 1920px Horizontal 720 320 160 1440px These values should be suitable for most xhdpi..
Android: How to declare global variables? above. Diane continues ...just likely to be something you regret in the future as you find your Application object becoming this big tangled mess of what should be independent application logic. This is certainly not incorrect but this is not a.. an Application subclass is just as likely to be something you regret in the future as you find your Application object becoming this big tangled mess of what should be independent application logic. As before this is not incorrect but only further..
MEDIA_MOUNTED broadcast not being received broadcast not being received I'm baffled. I'm trying to configure my app to respond to the SD card becoming available going offline but my broadcast receiver never gets called I can see the event being broadcasted and other apps..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? has been stopped prior to it being started again. Always followed by onStart onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the activity comes to the foreground or onStop if it becomes hidden. onResume..
Detect ViewPager tab change inside Fragment super.setUserVisibleHint isVisibleToUser Make sure that we are currently visible if this.isVisible If we are becoming invisible then... if isVisibleToUser Log.d MyFragment Not visible anymore. Stopping audio. TODO stop audio playback ..