php Programming Glossary: strcasecmp
Detect Ajax calling URL add a specific header which you can check with PHP if strcasecmp 'XMLHttpRequest' _SERVER 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' 0 Ajax Request..
PHP: Why do we need string comparison function? to these questions vary Is it case sensitive strcmp vs strcasecmp strnatcmp vs strnatcasecmp Depends it depend on the locale strcoll..
suddenly $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is started returning php same function GetIP if getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP strcasecmp getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP unknown ip getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP else.. getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP else if getenv HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR strcasecmp getenv HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR unknown ip getenv HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR.. ip getenv HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR else if getenv REMOTE_ADDR strcasecmp getenv REMOTE_ADDR unknown ip getenv REMOTE_ADDR else if isset..
Function to get user ip address [duplicate] use at the moment function GetIP if getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP strcasecmp getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP unknown ip getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP else.. getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP else if getenv HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR strcasecmp getenv HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR unknown ip getenv HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR.. ip getenv HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR else if getenv REMOTE_ADDR strcasecmp getenv REMOTE_ADDR unknown ip getenv REMOTE_ADDR else if isset..
how to compare case insensitive two strings in php to compare two string case insensitive here is my code if strcasecmp genderseek both 0 gender2 Ugender 'MALE' Ugender 'FEMALE' else..
How can I get the user's IP address in PHP? [duplicate] the _SERVER var. function getip if _SERVER HTTP_CLIENT_IP strcasecmp _SERVER HTTP_CLIENT_IP unknown ip _SERVER HTTP_CLIENT_IP else.. HTTP_CLIENT_IP else if _SERVER HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR strcasecmp _SERVER HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR unknown ip _SERVER HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR.. ip _SERVER HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR else if getenv REMOTE_ADDR strcasecmp getenv REMOTE_ADDR unknown ip getenv REMOTE_ADDR else if isset..