php Programming Glossary: stmt1
Selecting all fields except only one field in mysql [duplicate]
Causes of MySQL error 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active FROM cities_has_zipcodes WHERE cities_id AND zipcodes_id ' stmt1 db db prepare sql sql 'SELECT temp_id FROM temp1' stmt2 db db.. temp1' stmt2 db db prepare sql foreach data AS row try stmt1 execute array row 'zipcodes_id' row 'cities_id' rs1 stmt1 fetch.. stmt1 execute array row 'zipcodes_id' row 'cities_id' rs1 stmt1 fetch PDO FETCH_ASSOC stmt1 closeCursor syslog LOG_INFO ' rs1..
What is “New transaction is not allowed” error in PHP and SQLSRV driver for? sqlsrv sqlsrvLink true firstQuery sqlsrv_query stmt1 if firstQuery sqlsrv_rollback else nextQuery sqlsrv_query stmt2..