

php Programming Glossary: sticky

Errors appearing in mysqli code and call_user_func_array()


mysql mysqli share improve this question This is a sticky situation that is caused by changing of call_user_func_array..

How to Check if a mail was received with php


php email share improve this question That's a really sticky question. The only real way is to have PHP monitor an inbox..

What is the best way to handle this: large download via PHP + slow connection from client = script timeout before file is completely downloaded


the US on 2 mirrored servers and a load balancer that uses sticky IPs . Anyway it works for me but some of their international.. Expand the server farm from 2 to 4 servers and remove the sticky IP rule from the load balancer. Downside these are Windows servers..

PHP session variables not carrying over to my logged in page, but session ID is


Please try again. span div ' clear _POST so the form isn't sticky _POST array else report the errors echo ' div id errors span..

Implementing log in alongside suPHP


in at all. A way around this is to make the home folder sticky not something I would ever recommend doing to a home folder..

Can people write a .php file to my chmod 777 folder


on a shared host. tmp may sometimes be 1777 to set the sticky bit on the directory that allows only a file owner to delete..