

php Programming Glossary: sting

Check if variable is a valid date with PHP


valid date string. I have seen several ways to check if a sting is a date but most of them require you to now the format. I..

PHP preg_split with two delimiters unless a delimiter is within quotes


bar AND bar foo OR foobar foo bar I'd wish to split the sting on every space or character but include the character in the..

Need a regex that will check if the string only consist letters a-z and numbers and underscore(_) and hyphen(-)


be exactly 15 characters long. You can use it to check the sting length. You can also use the following keyword to make your..

Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps?


using like file types or is it still stored like a regular sting with some of the chars being interpreted differently like amp.. is interested I found a great example page to use when testing UTf 8 . php unicode utf 8 share improve this question Do..

PHP - How can I check if the current date/time is past a set date/time?


Find out subdomain using Regular Expression in PHP


subdomain at all case in which it would return an empty sting or NULL php regex pcre share improve this question preg_replace..

Finding urls from text string via php and regex? [duplicate]


or some other method where i can find all urls in a text sting. the example of url are domain.com www.domain.com http www.domain.com..

how to convert array values from string to int?


a better way then doing a foreach and converting each sting to int php string int explode share improve this question..