php Programming Glossary: stockitem
Magento problem with calling isInStock() method on a product the General section of the Product admin. Try this instead stockItem product getStockItem if stockItem getIsInStock in stock else.. admin. Try this instead stockItem product getStockItem if stockItem getIsInStock in stock else not in stock share improve this..
Magento - Programatically added bundle product isn't showing up in frontend setBundleSelectionsData selectionRawData product save stockItem Mage getModel 'cataloginventory stock_item' stockItem loadByProduct.. save stockItem Mage getModel 'cataloginventory stock_item' stockItem loadByProduct product getId if stockItem getId stockItem setProductId.. stock_item' stockItem loadByProduct product getId if stockItem getId stockItem setProductId product getId setStockId 1 stockItem..