php Programming Glossary: story
How foreach actually works array and I have since assumed this to be the end of the story. But I recently got into a discussion on the matter and after.. of the array after the loop. Is this correct and the whole story If not what is it really doing Is there any situation where.. traversing the array. But that's obviously not the whole story. Whether or not PHP will actually do the copy depends on a few..
Convert PHP to C++ code a short while http news.php blog 1 story 358 It's what keeps facebook alive A technology that translates..
PHP mysql insert date format know what I'm talking about or how to fix it read the story of Bobby Tables . Also as stated in the introduction to the..
Troubleshooting PHP Mail share improve this question That is quite a long story. A few bullet points Assuming that mail returns true and there..
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent, Why its happening [duplicate] too would depend on JavaScript but that's a different story would be to use a JavaScript based redirect that immediately..
PHP mutual exclusion (mutex) exactly I'm trying to do Asked by ircmaxell. This is the story I have two ftp servers. I want to be able to show at my website..
Change XML node element value in PHP and save file xmlFile kust_id _GET id foreach xml testimonial as story if story 'id' kust_id dom dom_import_simplexml story dom parentNode.. kust_id _GET id foreach xml testimonial as story if story 'id' kust_id dom dom_import_simplexml story dom parentNode removeChild.. as story if story 'id' kust_id dom dom_import_simplexml story dom parentNode removeChild dom xml asXML 'test.xml' header Location..
What are the disadvantages of using persistent connection in PDO transactions and other unfortunate wonky states. This sob story has a point It broke things that we never expected to break..
Continue PHP execution after sending HTTP response keep executing operations for one more minute The long story I have a PHP script that has to execute a few long database..
Why would one omit the close tag? While this can be mitigated by using exit you know the story only if every one of us utilize good programming habits every..
PHP - Is there a portable version of PHPUnit? stream x phpunit mock objects x phpunit selenium x phpunit story usr share php x phpunit phpunit.php share improve this answer..
iconv_strlen function causing execution timeout, running on MAMP Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard Fabien Potencier 05 Nov 2009 Long story short you can delve into recompiling your own php with the above..
What encryption algorithm is best for encrypting cookies? validity before we do anything with it but that's another story The session cookie contains a sessionId timestamp nothing more...
Mobile browser detection? a bit I also found this code http developing story lightweight device detection php and some variations but I'm..
CodeIgniter PHP Apache 500 Internal Server Error so that it is blank. config 'index_page' '' Now the story is ended. Everything should work fine. You can find more information..