

php Programming Glossary: stops

Starting phantomjs server from php and waiting for it's response


is started in the foreground which means your php script stops sleeps until phantomjs stops. Either start the phantomjs service.. which means your php script stops sleeps until phantomjs stops. Either start the phantomjs service or run it in the background...

Is there a good implementation of partial file downloading in PHP?


04_byteserving.php And just in case the original page stops to work the script is pretty old already here is a copy of it..

Crop whitespace from image in PHP


part of the image first we find out where the whitespace stops and then we copy everything inside of those borders. load the..

PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox


retrieve the hash in the url with php?


How to block uploads of nude images?


program PHP that could be implemented in the website and stops the user to upload the picture. Earlier to the my idea there..

PHP - protecting code [duplicate]


when a request commences and they finish when the request stops. So which functionality would you put that requires calling..

.htaccess - Is it possible to redirect post data?


mail index.php send mail NC P P acts like L in that it stops processing rules but it also tells the module that the request..

Limit download speed using PHP


or if it download at 80 kbps as i set it after 5 mb it stops downloading. Can some one tell me where I can found a good PHP.. share improve this question The reason your download stops after 5MB is because it takes over 60 seconds to download 5MB.. for a minute or more. When that happens your download stops. You can use set_time_limit to prevent your script from being..

Levenshtein: MySQL + PHP


`term` BETWEEN 0 AND 4 Edit Just in case the link above stops working some day here's a copy of the MySQL levenshtein implementation..

loop break,continue,break 2,continue 2 in php?


loop will be passed every time in other words continue stops current iteration execution but lets another to run while break.. iteration execution but lets another to run while break stops whole statement ever. therefore continue is applicable for the..

PHP exec() as Background Process (Windows Wampserver Environment)


command to finish running backgroundProcess.php before it stops. The background process runs for about 20 30 seconds and trigger.php..

jQuery - Call ajax every 10 seconds


new ones it purely shows the first then the second and stops. What am I doing wrong Thanks php jquery ajax share improve..

PHP Error handling: die() Vs trigger_error() Vs throw Exception


recoverable. If you trigger one of those program execution stops at that point. This is why for fatal errors Exceptions should..

How to force file download with PHP


location it is not redirecting to another page. It just stops. php file file download share improve this question file_url..

Split a text into single words


text 'This is an example text it contains commas and full stops. Exclamation marks too Question marks All punctuation marks..