

php Programming Glossary: stems

What causes: “Notice: Uninitialized string offset” to appear? [closed]


and I am having trouble deducing where the actual problem stems from. I would greatly appreciate any help in understanding what..

Stemming algorithm that produces real words


demo.php For my example community communities Snowball stems to communiti . Question Are there any other stemming algorithms.. output with some form of lookup function to convert the stems back to real words. I can basically see two potential ways to..

Anyone know of a good PHP ORM that DOES NOT use PDO?


we haven't been successful is complicated but basically stems from the fact that the web envoronment was originally set up..

MySQL query boolean given [duplicate]


php mysql share improve this question This stems from the previous line query mysql_query SELECT FROM archive..

Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application?


are useless and in large project even harmful. Problem stems from the fact that ORMs are trying to bridge two completely..

Having a single entry point to a website. Bad? Good? Non-issue?


point to a website. Bad Good Non issue This question stems from watching Rasmus Lerdorf's talk from Drupalcon . This question..

MySQL- Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index


question If I remember correctly this error typically stems from a code segment like the following You probably have some..