

php Programming Glossary: stemming

LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP?


or whatever. Stopwords may or may not be eliminated and stemming may happen Landauer says keep stopwords and don't stem but yes..

How is MVC supposed to work in CodeIgniter


The MVC vs. PAC article identifies the problem as stemming from the PHP community. that was written in 2006 and nothing..

Word break in languages without spaces between words (e.g., Asian)?


uses a dictionary along with an understanding of basic stemming rules . I've heard of relatively successful full text search.. breaking but soon the search engine may also benefit from stemming awareness indeed these two issues are linguistically at least..

Stemming algorithm that produces real words


is quite straight forward. However I need some help now stemming the resulting word list to avoid duplicates. Example Community.. Snowball stems to communiti . Question Are there any other stemming algorithms that will do this Has anyone else solved this problem.. this problem My current thinking is that I could use a stemming algorithm to avoid duplicates and then pick the shortest word..

Style unstyled links with DOM and xpath


libxml_use_internal_errors true to suppress parsing errors stemming from loadHTML . libxml_use_internal_errors Disable libxml errors..