

php Programming Glossary: storage

How to encrypt/decrypt data in php?


store the initialisation vector used for encryption. The storage requirements depend on the cipher and mode used more about this.. or bin2hex doing so requires between 25 to 100 more storage space. Decryption Decryption of the stored values is similar..

Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer?


remove deletes the domain object or collection from storage medium I keep the condition in the domain object itself user..

How can I store my users' passwords safely?


this question The easiest way to get your password storage scheme secure is by using a standard library . Because security.. folks on the internet. For more information on password storage schemes read Jeff `s blog post You're Probably Storing Passwords..

How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval?


should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval As I continue to build more and.. the same concern that I had. php mysql security password storage share improve this question How about taking another approach..

ACL implementation


no clue how data is stored where it is stored or even if storage exists in first place. Domain Business object do not depend..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


I learned A LOT I didn ™t know about password cracking storage and complexity. I ™ve come to appreciate why password storage.. and complexity. I ™ve come to appreciate why password storage is ever so much more important than password complexity. If..

Session lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS in PHP


the HTTP and HTTPS servers must use the same session data storage substrate i.e. for the default files handler run on the same..

Where are $_SESSION variables stored?


this question The location of the _SESSION variable storage is determined by PHP's session.save_path configuration. Usually..

PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking


in JS on the browsers side to do the same using a local storage . Then when you send a request simply take a nonce of a token..

PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved


you'd need to store an unencrypted version in a durable storage format shared memory such as APC or memcached or in a session.. there's not really a huge point to doing so. As far as the storage size it depends on the plain text. Blowfish uses a 8 byte block..

How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?


for the run time session_destroy destroy session data in storage _SESSION 'LAST_ACTIVITY' time update last activity time stamp..

How should a model be structured in MVC?


At the same time Domain Objects are completely unaware of storage neither from where SQL database REST API text file etc. nor.. Data Mappers These objects are only responsible for the storage. If you store information in a database this would be where..

How to get body of a POST in php?


because it will transparently switch to filesystem storage after a certain amount of data is stored 2M by default . This..

How to best store user information and user login and password


other parts of my life investing data backup even personal storage that in the worst case scenario comprised table or fire that..

How to encrypt/decrypt data in php?


MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 encryption_key name MCRYPT_MODE_CFB iv Storage requirements The encrypted output like the IV is binary storing..

pcntl runs the same code several times, assistance required


version Multi file_get_contents Example My Storage s new Storage Threads Storage ts array Total Threads same as.. version Multi file_get_contents Example My Storage s new Storage Threads Storage ts array Total Threads same as total pages pages.. file_get_contents Example My Storage s new Storage Threads Storage ts array Total Threads same as total pages pages 100 Porpulate..

Can the recently released GAE PHP runtime access the native GAE datastore?


see reference to Google Cloud SQL as well as Google Cloud Storage as options under Storing Data. Is it possible to interface the..

“session has already been started…” exception in Zend Framework application


www htdocs w00a1ed7 autospin redaktion library Zend Auth Storage Session.php 87 Zend_Session_Namespace __construct 'Zend_Auth'.. autospin redaktion library Zend Auth.php 91 Zend_Auth_Storage_Session __construct #3 www htdocs w00a1ed7 autospin redaktion.. autospin redaktion library Zend Auth.php 141 Zend_Auth getStorage #4 www htdocs w00a1ed7 autospin redaktion application layouts..

How to implement Gmail OAuth API to send email (especially via SMTP)?


INBOX folder. Fatal error Uncaught exception 'Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception' with message 'cannot change folder maybe it does.. it does not exist' in path to xoauth php samples Zend Mail Storage Imap.php 467 Stack trace #0 path to xoauth php samples Zend.. 467 Stack trace #0 path to xoauth php samples Zend Mail Storage Imap.php 248 Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap selectFolder 'INBOX' #1..

UTF-8 all the way through


mysql linux apache share improve this question Data Storage Specify the utf8 character set on all tables and text columns..

Zend_Session / Zend_Auth randomly throws Error Message ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php5) failed: Permission denied (13)


true #1 home hannes workspace develop library Zend Auth Storage Session.php 87 Zend_Session_Namespace __construct 'Zend_Auth'.. workspace develop library Zend Auth.php 91 Zend_Auth_Storage_Session __construct #3 home hannes workspace develop library.. workspace develop library Zend Auth.php 141 Zend_Auth getStorage #4 home hannes workspace develop xxxxxxx application controllers..

Zend_Auth: Allow user to be logged in to multiple tables/identities


password auth Zend_Auth getInstance storage new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session auth setStorage storage adapter new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable.. getInstance storage new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session auth setStorage storage adapter new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable .... adapter setIdentity.. identity authAdapter getResult Zend_Auth getInstance getStorage write identity redirect here this view form form private..

ACL implementation


The business logic does no change. Data Access and Storage Instances made from this group of classes are sometimes called..

How can I encrypt with AES in C# so I can decrypt it in PHP?


be used for the key Mode which mode of encryption to use Storage format how we store the ciphertext Please see here for a lot..

MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems


Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System large files large quantities large..

Symfony 2 load different template depending on user agent properties


Loader FilesystemLoader use Symfony Component Templating Storage FileStorage class MobyFilesystemLoader extends FilesystemLoader.. use Symfony Component Templating Storage FileStorage class MobyFilesystemLoader extends FilesystemLoader protected.. InvalidArgumentException e return false return new FileStorage file Implement your check to see if request is made from mobile..

How to use Zend\Session in zf2?


zf2.. I found usage of Sessions in Zend Authentication Storage Session.php maybe you can find your answer there.. share improve..

Improve password hashing with a random salt


www.itnewb.com tutorial Encrypting Passwords with PHP for Storage Using the RSA PBKDF2 Standard NOTE Using such a mechanism is..