

php Programming Glossary: stolen

PHP: How do Cookies and Sessions work?


the server but be aware that the session ID can still be stolen if the user let's say logged in over an insecure WiFi. An attacker..

How safe are PHP session variables?


it a tad easier to totally go to town if that cookie is stolen as your ajax requests may not get the security checks on each..

Get Youtube Video ID from html code with PHP


br php regex share improve this question Brazenly stolen from htmlpurifier's youtube plugin preg_match '# object ^ ...

PHP: Preventing Session Hijacking with token stored as a cookie?


improve this question Any data the user keeps can be stolen any data a visitor sends could be spoofed. Better to store the..

Better way save password in mysql which can be decrypted also using php


you and your users will have a problem if your data gets stolen Someone is going to have a database with usernames and passwords..

CURL login by script to a Joomla website


that a login form can only be submitted once it cant be stolen and replayed like you are trying to do. even if it is not for..

How to decode numeric HTML entities in PHP


improve this question The following code snippet mostly stolen from here and improved will work for literal numeric decimal..

Best practise for remember me feature [duplicate]


user id. In this case some hacker can login who is know stolen cookie's browser. Which way should i follow or which practise..

PHP Login system using Cookies and Salted Hashes


to use https. This is because cookies or sessions can be stolen if they aren't encrypted. Another good practice to follow is..

PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking


knows before hand. In Hijacking it's either guessed or stolen from the user. Otherwise the effects of the two are the same..

PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved


can be trusted In what ways can the password be stolen and decrypted What do I need to be aware of php security encryption.. except a local variable. In what ways can the password be stolen and decrypted What do I need to be aware of Any form of compromise..

Can IP change during session?


that these are two different people one of whom might've stolen the credentials or that the user uses an anonymiser of sorts...

Designing a secure auto login cookie system in PHP


If the cookie is accepted over http it can be sniffed and stolen. I would recommend that the cookie have no user data at all..

How to best store user information and user login and password


store passwords. If it's ever sitting on a disk it can be stolen. Instead store password hashes. Use the right hashing algorithm..