php Programming Glossary: sticking
str_shuffle and randomness shuffled string. If it uses rand instead of mt_rand then sticking to my current solution may be better after all. So basically..
How to remove “index.php” in codeigniter's path in codeigniter's path How do I remove the index.php sticking out in every path in codeigniter somewhere in the center I want..
Are global variables in PHP considered bad practice? If so, why? pitfall is trying to turn PHP into a pure OOP language by sticking object models on top of everything. Like anything else use global..
Parallel HTTP requests in PHP using PECL HTTP classes [Answer: HttpRequestPool class] used extensively in the application in question and sticking to what's already in use should be beneficial from a maintenance..
Storing script files outside web root your 'include_files' directory under the document root and sticking an .htaccess file in there with the appropriate entries Would..
What type of webservice works best with iOS? immaterial compared to the size of the data. I recommend sticking with a standardized encoding format which can be parsed with..
Arithmetic with Arbitrarily Large Integers in PHP I think has the most promise at the moment but the one sticking point I've got is that PHP doesn't offer me any way to manipulate..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation gotten tired of getting lost in the code yet Forget about sticking Id iot PKs on everything that moves let's find out How your..
Is MVC now the only way to write PHP? [closed] the tricky one. So my advice is don't worry too much about sticking to pure MVC. It's OK for a controller to spit out chunks of..
What's the best way to detect a browser with php? better than IE6 and it is just about supportable while sticking to modern standards. My second suggestion is rather than trying..
Alternative to SSL - “Manual” Encryption? month on my Web host. I have no plans on doing that as I'm sticking with my 20 year shared hosting plan. So I would like to implement..
Call php function from javascript you a place to work with that output including simply sticking it into the page like any other piece of HTML. You can do it..
What is the difference between <> and != [duplicate] to gain by being consistent. So I'd recommend just sticking with and being done with it... Edit I've updated the docs to..