

php Programming Glossary: stmt2

Possible to use multiple/nested MySQLi statements?


stmt fetch Other code here itemSummary item magic if stmt2 link prepare INSERT INTO summaries itemID summary VALUES stmt2.. link prepare INSERT INTO summaries itemID summary VALUES stmt2 bind_param is itemID itemSummary stmt2 execute stmt2 close .. summary VALUES stmt2 bind_param is itemID itemSummary stmt2 execute stmt2 close php mysql mysqli share improve this..

Causes of MySQL error 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active


' stmt1 db db prepare sql sql 'SELECT temp_id FROM temp1' stmt2 db db prepare sql foreach data AS row try stmt1 execute array.. syslog LOG_INFO ' rs1 '.print_r rs1 1 .' '.rand stmt2 execute rs2 stmt2 fetch PDO FETCH_ASSOC syslog LOG_INFO ' rs2.. LOG_INFO ' rs1 '.print_r rs1 1 .' '.rand stmt2 execute rs2 stmt2 fetch PDO FETCH_ASSOC syslog LOG_INFO ' rs2 '.print_r rs2 1..

What is “New transaction is not allowed” error in PHP and SQLSRV driver for?


if firstQuery sqlsrv_rollback else nextQuery sqlsrv_query stmt2 if nextQuery sqlsrv_rollback else sqlsrv_commit else print_r..