php Programming Glossary: stopped
proc_open interaction got the exact same error message only this time the script stopped running but ssh did run. So I got hopeful then felt stupid and..
Converting words to numbers in PHP gives you the last three digits of your number. If you stopped at the whole string you are done. If you stopped at a power.. If you stopped at the whole string you are done. If you stopped at a power start again at step 1 until you reach a higher POWER..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? This isn't the best example because it could still be stopped by a prepared statement but the concept still applies. Let's..
PHP mail stopped working mail stopped working Some days ago when using mail I had it working. But..
PHP Session Id changes between pages in the .htaccess this worked for this domain but it stopped the session being passed over to out payment domain We are running..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP would ensure that an attack from multiple fronts would be stopped and normal site users would not experience a significant delay..
Redirect to Apache built-in 404 page with mod_rewrite? then the Substitution string is dropped and rewriting is stopped as if the L flag was used. So this RewriteRule ^ page .html..
Attach image to Facebook event (php sdk, rest or graph api) [duplicate] to be if me which was working for an hour or so and then stopped working no changes to the code that populates me odd. So the..
session_start hangs Calling it from the console hangs and it can't even be stopped with ctrl c only kill 9 works. The same for calling it via Apache...
How can I find download links for vimeo videos? which are downloading the videos in this way so I just stopped using their services and I will never use them again . Steps..
PHP: How do I remove nested tags, and relocate them in an un-nested way? chain of tag transformation regexes until the output stopped changing. It was simple and effective mainly because the available..
Loading multiple versions of the same class decided to go back to school to become a clown and has stopped maintaining his module though so it doesn't get any updates...
facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user My scripts were working fine for a bit and suddenly half stopped. I'm accessing the api and am getting back an access token...
SQL like statement problems storing the result and closing the connection and I have stopped getting this error so hopefully the problem has stopped. However.. stopped getting this error so hopefully the problem has stopped. However the error in my sql syntax error which was working..
Facebook PHP SDK getSession() fails to get session. Cookie problem? script I was using the PHP SDK such as yourself but I stopped do to the face it wasn't working. I have noticed that this still..
Can't delete photo via Facebook API? to make this API call. What does this mean It suddenly stopped working. Is Facebook blocking this I have read that. Is there..
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS / FOUND_ROWS() does not work in PHP was that the pagination in a wordpress install suddenly stopped working when we moved to php 5.2.6 ... eventually tracked it..