

php Programming Glossary: stealing

license and protect php script


output.So there isn't a way to actually keep people from stealing your code if you let it get off your servers. For the most part..

hide javascript from showing up in browser


. It will not prevent dedicated people from stealing your code but normal copy paste will not be easy. Also see this..

Opencart: Ajax json response unknown characters


cms access to your website must be checked for password stealing sniffing malware as a result of visiting your another infected..

Whats the best way to do user authentication in php?


array after the user logs out. IP To prevent someone from stealing the session id and using it you store the IP of the user as..

Block upload of executable images (PHP)


think they had actually achieved anything in the way of stealing information or anything like that but I assume it could be possible..

How to make PDF file downloadable in HTML link?


sanity checks on the file variable to prevent people from stealing your files such as don't accept file extensions add .pdf to..

Prevent iframe stealing


iframe stealing I think someone is stealing my content using an iframe. My.. iframe stealing I think someone is stealing my content using an iframe. My website is a forum and a user..

Best methods to clean up a hacked site with no clean version available?


that the compromise happened months earlier and had been stealing passwords or ssh keys. You might find a rootkit or further exploit..

PHP Session Hijacking


methods are just workarounds best way to protect against stealing of the session cookie is by using HTTPS if a session is involved...