

php Programming Glossary: statuses

Yii gridview use outside variable in value


to me not to store strings in a database which are statuses instead store integer values and either store the conversion..

Get data from url in android


mTask String jsonString String url https api.twitter.com 1 statuses user_timeline.json include_entities true include_rts true screen_name..

Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1


Set url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL http twitter.com statuses user_timeline myscreenname.json count 10 Return the transfer.. print_r tweet How can I get the user_timeline recent statuses with the least code possible I found this https dev.twitter.com.. I found this https dev.twitter.com docs api 1.1 get statuses user_timeline but I get the following error errors message Could..

Twitter API 1.1 issues [duplicate]


' removed ' code tmhOAuth request 'GET' tmhOAuth url '1.1 statuses user_timeline' array 'screen_name' 'ActiveSoton' return response.. code 0 response info Array url https api.twitter.com 1.1 statuses user_timeline.json screen_name ActiveSoton content_type http_code.. Array method GET url https api.twitter.com 1.1 statuses user_timeline.json screen_name ActiveSoton signing_params oauth_consumer_key..

Do you have health checks in your web app or web site? [closed]


but on a more operational level showing red yellow green statuses for things like Are the cache directories writable Is the PHP..

php observer pattern to log user out when session times out


every minute. It calls a simple function to check session statuses. Any sessions older than the timeout period are set to status..

Facebook graph API - OAuth Token


file_get_contents 'https graph.facebook.com my_page's_id statuses access_token 000000000000 AaaAaaAaaAAaAaaaaAaaAa0aaAA.' When..

how to get store information in magento?


file_get_contents() failed to open stream:


HTTP 1.1 400 Bad Request My code feed 'http twitter.com statuses user_timeline.rss screen_name google count 6' tweets file_get_contents.. ch curl_close ch return data feed 'http twitter.com statuses user_timeline.rss screen_name google count 6' tweets curl feed..

Simple but heavy application consuming a lot of resources. How to Optimize?


given an specific order Call the API Collect all tweets statuses IDs and users IDs from the current search Check on the database..

Twitter OAUTH - returns response code of “0”


' hidden ' connection request 'POST' connection url '1 statuses update' array 'status' tweet_text return connection response..

Upload Images On Twitter Using PHP


code tmhOAuth request 'POST' 'https upload.twitter.com 1 statuses update_with_media.json' array 'media ' @ image type image jpeg..