php Programming Glossary: static
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler question You need to delegate the event to the closest static ancestor element within the page see also Understanding Event..
When to use self vs $this? the current class. In other words use this member for non static members use self member for static members. share improve this..
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? between double colon and arrow in PHP What exactly is late static binding in PHP static staticFunctionName Unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM.. arrow in PHP What exactly is late static binding in PHP static staticFunctionName Unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM expecting.. in PHP What exactly is late static binding in PHP static staticFunctionName Unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM expecting T_NS_Separator..
Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files? [closed] there a static code analyzer like Lint for PHP files closed Is there a static.. code analyzer like Lint for PHP files closed Is there a static code analyzer for PHP files The binary itself can check for.. php lint share improve this question Fairly high level static analyzers include php sat Requires http php ast..
Who needs singletons? [closed] of the manual we should do this class Database private static instance db private function __construct static function singleton.. private static instance db private function __construct static function singleton if isset self instance self instance new.. when you can do it merely with class Database private static db private function __construct static function get if isset..
PHP global in functions else that reaches from a local scope to the global scope statics singletons registries constants . You do not want to use them... 'foo' incl. any other superglobal _GET d Foo bar any static call incl. Singletons and Registries All of these will make.. use that instead. In case of coupling hardcoded classnames static constants your function also cannot exist without that class..
Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP then use the web server to configure the caching for you. Static generated content If your content is generated from PHP and..
Chaining Static Methods in PHP? Static Methods in PHP Is it possible to chain static methods together..
Magic __get getter for static properties in PHP these methods can not be declared static. In PHP 5.3 __callStatic has been added but there is no __getStatic nor __setStatic yet.. PHP 5.3 __callStatic has been added but there is no __getStatic nor __setStatic yet even if the idea of having coding them often.. has been added but there is no __getStatic nor __setStatic yet even if the idea of having coding them often comes back..
Performance of static methods vs. functions true for i 0 i 10 1000 1000 i SomeClass doTest i echo Static Time microtime true starttime ms n bench object method starttime.. i echo Function Time microtime true starttime ms n outputs Static Time 0.640204906464 ms Object Time 0.48961687088 ms Function..
What exactly is late-static binding in PHP? improve this question You definitely need to read Late Static Bindings in the PHP manual. However I'll try to give you a quick..
PHPUnit Mock Objects and Static Methods Mock Objects and Static Methods I am looking for the best way to go about testing the.. recently had a blog post about Stubbing and Mocking Static Methods . With PHPUnit 3.5 and PHP 5.3 as well as consistent..
Tactics for using PHP in a high-load site in these templates a static var and a dynamic var. Static vars are usually things like page names the name of the site..
Auditing a PHP codebase This should probably be moved to Code Smell #1. Lots of Static Methods &mdash maybe a code smell in any language a developer..
PHP: Static and non Static functions and Objects Static and non Static functions and Objects What's the difference.. Static and non Static functions and Objects What's the difference between these object.. What's the difference between these object callings Non Static var new Object var function Static var User function And also..
unit testing and Static methods testing and Static methods Reading up and picking up on unit testing trying to.. php unit testing phpunit share improve this question Static methods themselves aren't harder to test than instance methods...
create superglobal variables in php? like _POST and _GET php share improve this question Static class variables can be referenced globally e.g. class myGlobals..
Best practice on PHP singleton classes [duplicate] reusability Do you need a dependency injection container Static methods vs singletons choose neither The Clean Code Talks Global..
Why does PHP 5.2+ disallow abstract static class methods? written without strict warnings Strict Standards Static function Program getSelectSQL should not be abstract in
PHP - a DB abstraction layer use static class vs singleton object? mysql... I could write the class either as a STATIC CLASS class DB private static connection FALSE connection to..
Php handling vs Apache RewriteRules and RegExp: which one is quicker? . QSA E L 3 E PLOCAL ts 1 5 notfound E Pcm ts cm. 5 E STATIC 1 RewriteCond ENV PLOCAL ^ RewriteCond HTTP_HOST a zA Z0 9 ... . QSA E L 3 E PLOCAL ts 1 notfound E Pcm ts cm. E STATIC 1 RewriteCond ENV PLOCAL ^ RewriteCond HTTP_HOST a zA Z0 9 ... L ENV L Plocal ENV PLOCAL Pcm ENV Pcm QSA RewriteCond ENV STATIC ^ RewriteRule . . css js pdf jpg jpeg gif png 1 1 2 QSA E EXT..