php Programming Glossary: stating
Insert array into MySQL database with PHP google on how to do this and all I can find is information stating my array needs to be split before inserting into the table...
How do I get PHP 5.3.8 to read a .user.ini file? mystery statement is of little importance and is merely stating that the CGI FastCGI SAPI does the processing whatever that..
Automatically include missing functions? [duplicate] doesn't exist to automatically try to include the file stating the function first. Example echo general_foo general_foo is..
It is not inserting data into database 0 then 1 for imgresult and also I do not know why it is stating string it should be an int. But then if it is coming from an..
TripleDES in Perl/PHP/ColdFusion with the payment processor lots and lots of reps stating 'we can't help with coding issues you must be doing it incorrectly..
CodeIgniter PHP framework in commercial project Any files that have been modified must carry notices stating the nature of the change and the names of those who changed..
How do you pass values between PHP pages for MVC? the view EDIT Thank your answers. I see a couple of them stating the components are in the same page but when I look at something..
Securing a javascript client with hmac the user's public key time stamp encrypted and another key stating what the time stamp is. Then on the server side you can validate..
Get absolute path of current script executed script I only had one here so therefore I missed stating that php share improve this question __FILE__ constant..
Instantiating class by string using PHP 5.3 namespaces Log MyClass' object new class A fatal error gets thrown stating the class cannot be found. However it obviously can be instantiated..
What is the proper way to document files, classes and constructors? you HAVE to document EVERYTHING and you end up with people stating the obvious again and again. This adds no value but wastes time..
How to read line by line in php to insert each line into my oracle database i get an error stating invalid number but if have only one line in the file it works..
Unset a specefic session using session id a particular session i know its session id The users just stating the session like this session_id usernumber session_start Let..
Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name (“relation does not exist”) In all the examples I can find where someone gets an error stating the relation does not exist it's because they use uppercase..
PHP Fatal error: “The SOAP action specified on the message, '', does not match the HTTP SOAP Action” for the last couple days and I've read different articles stating possible issues. From what I understand this error occurs because..
Improve password hashing with a random salt way to generate a useful salt. I read numerous articles stating that a salt should be as random as possible to add entropy to..