

php Programming Glossary: start_session

PHP Session with an Incomplete Object


includes perhaps prep.php or header.class.php does call start_session too If yes that was your issue session_start being called before..

Quantity Not adjusting


update it does nothing. Below is my php code PHP code php start_session php if isset _POST 'item_to_adjust' _POST 'item_to_adjust' ..

Lose the value of $_SESSION[] when redirect


If echo _SESSION 'login11_error' in admin.php after your start_session of course prints something start uncommenting items in post.php...

Why is the Internet Explorer Autocomplete feature disabled for all html forms on my website?


is related to the Cache Headers PHP sends out when the start_session command is issued and the site is running SSL. I have been able.. feature I had to issue this command in php before the start_session command session_cache_limiter 'private must revalidate' I'm..

Why is my SESSION array OK on one page but empty on another?


atid in C Program File... I've made sure I'm issuing the start_session function before any other code is run on every page that uses..

php session variable lost


should not happen If set_lang is not included make sure a start_session exist there also put a print_r there too you could even compare..