

php Programming Glossary: statments

When should I use parenthesis in require/include statements?


a pile of code that includes a lot of require include statments mixed between require and require_once . Sometimes the path..

Do PHP PDO prepared statments need to be escaped?


PHP PDO prepared statments need to be escaped On the PDO Prepare page it states and helps.. you concat the SQL command and don't actually use prepared statments not good then yes there still is an escape function for PDO..

ALTER TABLE in Magento setup script without using SQL


of SQL commands . I haven't come across any DDL or DML statments that cannot be executed via Magento's config structures. In..

Combine PHP prepared statments with LIKE


PHP prepared statments with LIKE Anyone know how to combine PHP prepared statements..

How do you do multiple SQL statments in one mysql_query?


do you do multiple SQL statments in one mysql_query Say I wanted to do UPDATE table SET name..