

php Programming Glossary: starters

how to get id from database by link


table php codeigniter share improve this question For starters you need to get the variable a name in this case that is the..

Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET)


api share improve this question One thing for starters you should change You instantiate the AnalyticsService twice...

HTML5 audio element with dynamic source


this question Copied from your duplicate question For starters you are attaching a new event handler every single time the..

PHP Opcode Caching/Zend Acceleration and include_once vs. require_once


opcode zend optimizer share improve this question For starters both calls require_once and include_once double check if a file..

Live Video Streaming with PHP


won't give you a full video chat inside your app yet. For starters you will need some sort of way to record the streams and re..

Good tutorial on how to update your Mysql database with a PHP form? [closed]


data can be pretty simple. Let's start with a form for starters form method post action submit.php input type text name id value..

PHP/Gettext Problems


So try bind_textdomain_codeset 'default' 'ISO 8859 1' for starters. Also it seems to prefer the environment variables on Windows..

In PHP, how does PDO protect from SQL injections? How do prepared statements work?


to understand how prepared statements protect my db. For starters are prepared statements the same thing as parameterised queries..

Bulletin board - Database optimisation


you start coding SQL. Please ask if anything isn't. For starters all names are singular. Mixed Case is easier to read you are..

Highlight color change for different condition


jquery map highlight share improve this question For starters try replacing colorToHightlight with colorToHighlight so you..