

php Programming Glossary: start_time

Saving form data to an existing XML-file using PHP


1.0 encoding UTF 8 programs program name name date date start_time start_time b line b line synopsis synopsis leadtext leadtext.. UTF 8 programs program name name date date start_time start_time b line b line synopsis synopsis leadtext leadtext url url program.. xml program addChild 'date' date xml program addChild 'start_time' time xml program addChild 'b line' bline xml program addChild..

php: datetime() difference between 2 datetime with 2 variables


find out the difference between and I have gotten up till start_time new DateTime ' list date_in . list time_in ' since_start start_time.. new DateTime ' list date_in . list time_in ' since_start start_time diff new DateTime ' list date_out . list time_out ' hours since_start.. php 5.3 and I can't use datetime . So my solution was start_time strtotime list date_in . list time_in end_time strtotime list..

Attach image to Facebook event (php sdk, rest or graph api) [duplicate]


array privacy_type SECRET name Event Title host Me start_time 1290790800 end_time 1290799800 location London description Event..

printing restaurant opening hours from a database table in human readable format using php


of restaurants. the columns are id eateries_id day_of_week start_time and end_time. each eatery is represented in the table multiple..

PHP date calculation


function function get_date_offset start_date end_date start_time strtotime start_date end_time strtotime end_date return round.. end_time strtotime end_date return round end_time start_time 3600 24 It works ok on linux box but when running under windows..

php mailer and html includes with php variables


organized. Heres my php mailer.... place data 'place' start_time data 'start_time' mail IsHTML true set email format to HTML.. my php mailer.... place data 'place' start_time data 'start_time' mail IsHTML true set email format to HTML mail Subject You.. remind you that you have an upcoming meeting at place on start_time. p p Thanks p div td tr table php mailer share improve this..

How to implement check availability in hotel reservation system


a day 7 days a week then your reservation should have a start_time timestamp and end_time timestamp rather than just the date...

How to benchmark efficiency of PHP script


vs str_replace` Example of a webpage php login.php start_time microtime TRUE session_start do all my logic etc... end_time.. all my logic etc... end_time microtime TRUE echo end_time start_time This will output 0.0146126717 varies all the time but that is..

Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically


postRestaurant FB.api 'me MY_APP_NAMESPACE have_lunch start_time 2000 12 12T04 00 00 expires_in 7200 restaurant ' encodeURIComponent..

Creating a PHP Online Grading System on Linux: exec Behavior, Process IDs, and grep


or some other subdirectory this may be an absolute path start_time microtime true to get elapsed compilation time later exec javac.. ... pid int out 0 done_compile false while microtime true start_time 10 done_compile usleep 20000 only sleep 0.02 seconds between..