

php Programming Glossary: module's

How to get Zend\Db\Adapter instance from within a Model? (ZF2)


'SET NAMES 'UTF8 '' Secondly within your module's module.config.php file inject the adapter into the mapper module..

What is the correct way to set up an observer in Magento?


correctly from the Yourmodule Model directory.. In your module's config.xml file config global events full_event_name observers..

Apache is “Unable to initialize module” because of module's and PHP's API don't match after changing the PHP configuration


is &ldquo Unable to initialize module&rdquo because of module's and PHP's API don't match after changing the PHP configuration..

How to Use Same Models in Different Modules in Zend Framework?


. Then in each controller's init function I'd add that module's models directory to the INCLUDE_PATH . edit Functions like setControllerDirectory..

How do I fix PHP module thread-safe/non-thread-safe mismatch?


the Zend Thread Safe ZTS constant is defined either in the module's source code or in VS 2008's Preprocessor Definitions . Simply..

Magento - How do I add an invoice fee to an order during checkout process


'value' address getPaymentFee return this In your module's setup modify the sales_flat_quote and sales_flat_order tables..

My Magento Extension Install Script Will Not Run


to run but failing to find. Just remember to delete your module's row in core_resource and to clear your cache. Magneto caches..

“Error 404 Not Found” in Magento Admin Login Page [closed]


the following error message Error 404 Not Found Some of my module's pages also show this error. Can anyone please figure out the..

is there a reason why Magento shouldn't support uninstall/downgrade for modules


might have dependencies on the installed module. The module's xml declaration depends node could be used to flag these linkages...

How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento?


to run. Setting up the router Next we need to setup the module's routers. This will let the system know that we're handling any..

Magento module Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Cashondelivery_Helper_Data' not found in \xampp\htdocs\magento\app\Mage.php on line 516


1.0 config modules Companyname_Cashondelivery declare module's version information for database updates version 0.1.0 version..

Magento Capture method do not work


version 1.0 config modules Company_Cashondelivery declare module's version information for database updates version 0.1.0 version..