

php Programming Glossary: modifying

How foreach actually works


is part of the HashTable . So when you modify it you are modifying the HashTable and as such the array. And as PHP arrays have..

PHP DomDocument failing to handle utf-8 characters (??


is to hint the encoding. This can be done in your case by modifying the document and adding a meta http equiv content type content..

Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors?


very easily becomes a tangled mess as some functions keep modifying and requiring some global state. You want functions to be idempotent..

Get first element of an array


this question array_shift array_values array Edit If modifying in the sense of resetting array pointers of array is not a problem..

The advantage / disadvantage between global variables and function parameters in PHP?


to use by reference is for the reason I listed above modifying them for the caller . The way to go is almost always the simple..

Finding the PHP File (at run time) where a Class was Defined


mechanism that caches this information somewhere. However modifying the existing __autoload is off limits in the situation I have..

CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) attack example and prevention in PHP


is sending GET requests for injected tags As this URL is modifying some data anyway it should not work with GET but only with POST..

How exactly is a PHP script executed?


language construct to demonstrate how one might go about modifying the PHP interpreter. The internals of which follow a pattern..

Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate]


and style of documents. DOM is capable of parsing and modifying real world broken HTML and it can do XPath queries . It is based..

Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP


little overhead while looping. However if you start modifying the array within the array that's where you'll start seeing.. Seconds Completed in 0.00111985206604 Seconds So if you're modifying the array in the loop it's several times faster to use references.....

PHP: multiple SQL queries in one mysql_query statement


val What's the best way to load the SQL without modifying the dump file php sql mysql share improve this question ..

How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?


and style of documents. DOM is capable of parsing and modifying real world broken HTML and it can do XPath queries . It is based..

How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate]


and style of documents. DOM is capable of parsing and modifying real world broken HTML and it can do XPath queries . It is based..

PHP Event-Listener best-practice implementation


what classes are doing . It's not as well suited for modifying the behavior of code in real time. 2. Decorator Pattern You.. what you want to change. This is really well suited for modifying and extending the behavior since you can selectively override.. that this really isn't a way of doing events it's a way of modifying object behavior. 3. Mediator Pattern You could also use a Mediator..

PHP - Get bool to echo false when false


share improve this question No since the other option is modifying the Zend engine and one would be hard pressed to call that a..

Headers already sent by PHP


already sent output started at file line Some functions modifying the HTTP header are header header_remove session_start session_regenerate_id..

Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements


may be harmful to either displaying data or in some cases modifying or deleting data maliciously. So I searched a little bit and.. may be harmful to either displaying data or in some cases modifying or deleting data maliciously. You're mixing here everything...

Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input


. Beyond that you would probably have to resort to modifying the templates grep for getItemOptions or overriding the block..