

php Programming Glossary: modes

Automatically clip strings to the proper length on insert


The default should be an empty string no modes set . You can set SQL mode in your my.cnf file with the sql..

How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP?


then the directory. Output of Example 5 with the two other modes LEAVES_ONLY CHILD_FIRST tree tree tree dirA dirB fileD tree..

how to encrypt string in php


I can't find this: How do I use 4 SPACES instead of a TAB in EMACS?


need to do in my .emacs file to get php mode AND all other modes to insert 4 spaces instead of a TAB. Help UPDATE When I hit.. in your init file. To make a tab do just 4 spaces in most modes also add setq default tab width 4 For C based modes like PHP.. most modes also add setq default tab width 4 For C based modes like PHP you will have to do setq c basic offset 4 share improve..

Difference in PHP encryption from iOS and .NET


OP comment PHP has no built in support for other padding modes than the NULL padding. At least .Net allows you to specify NULL..

Display first comment of post outside the comments template (using SQL maybe)


Portable (PHPass) password hashes. Should I use them?


might want to update that in your install . PHPass has two modes portable and bcrypt. Depending on the PHP version you do not..

PHP: How do I remove nested tags, and relocate them in an un-nested way?


expressions are not going to help you. Regexes have two modes of operation that get in our way we can either match everything..

I need some guidance on payment gateways [closed]


of implementation. Usually every payment gateways have 2 modes for payment processing. Payment page This is one of the most..

PHP Session Hijacking


windows and tabs are opened in the same session. Privacy modes also create new sessions. In summary browser sessions are indeed..

the holy grail of cleaning input and output in php?


share improve this question No there isn't. Different modes of escaping are for different purposes. You cannot universally..