

php Programming Glossary: mod_deflate

why ob_start() must come ahead of session_start() to work in PHP?


if you don't use that kind of handlers Apache and mod_deflate do a great job when it comes to compressing output for instance..

Sending correct file size with PHP download script


at the end of the article If you compress files with Zlib mod_deflate and so on the Content Length header won't be accurate so you'll.. Content Length ”it is fairly likely that Apache's mod_deflate extension is enabled. You can easily disable it for a single..

PHP buffer ob_flush() vs. flush()


webserver might itself implement another buffering scheme mod_deflate or content filter which you have no influence over. But this..

Display output in parts in PHP


usleep 100000 Also this won't work if your Apache is using mod_deflate and you have gzip compression for text html files. share improve..

Gzip compression through .htaccess not working


is my .htaccess I use to gzip .js .css and other files via mod_deflate #Gzip ifmodule mod_deflate.c AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text.. .js .css and other files via mod_deflate #Gzip ifmodule mod_deflate.c AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text text text html text plain..

How to minify php page html output?


version Apache 1.3 uses mod_gzip while Apache 2.x uses mod_deflate. Accept Encoding gzip deflate Content Encoding gzip Use the..

Best practices for optimizing LAMP sites for speed? [closed]


dos that I always set up in my LAMP applications. Install mod_deflate for apache and do not use PHP's gzip handlers. mod_deflate will.. mod_deflate for apache and do not use PHP's gzip handlers. mod_deflate will allow you to compress static content like javascript css..

How to determine the Content-Length of a gzipped file?


files from a server that won't let me enable mod_gzip or mod_deflate . So I wrote a small PHP script to compress with GZIP and return..