

php Programming Glossary: modifiers

What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do?


do the ENT_HTML5 ENT_HTML401 &hellip modifiers on html_entity_decode do Since php 5.4 html_entity_decode introduces..

REGEX: Grabbing everything until a specific word


Sorting an array of SimpleXML objects


array as first argument followed by any number of sorting modifiers such as SORT_DESC or SORT_NUMERIC then finally the array you..

Reasons to avoid access modifiers in php [closed]


to avoid access modifiers in php closed What are valid reasons NOT to use keywords public.. started a project with a team that actively uses access modifiers in their code even public explicitly and wants to convince me.. I'm looking for a solid clear explanation why access modifiers are useless or even harmful in php. I'm aware that some similar..

Why don't PHP attributes allow functions?


zend_do_begin_class_declaration znode Foo znode Set some modifiers on the current znode... ... Create the array array_init znode..

preg_match to extract mailto on anchor


into delimiters that separate the pattern from optional modifiers . In this case the first non alphanumeric character is used.. is actually just . a . . href and the rest are treated as modifiers. And that is an invalid regular expression as the is not properly.. as the is not properly escaped and the rest are not valid modifiers neither. As the others have already suggested you can fix this..

PHP regex delimiter, what's the point?


It seems like it would be more clear if any pattern modifiers were passed in as a parameter to whatever function was being..

PHP x86 How to get filesize of >2GB file without external program?


appropriate shell command Windows shell substitution modifiers or nix Mac stat command . If that fails it tries COM if on Windows..

How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in PHP?


' ' preg_match ' ^'. expr.' ' str Also PCRE supports modifiers for various things. One of the most used is the case insensitive..

how to use Smarty better with PHP?


something complicated need to write helper functions or modifiers so it needs a creation of new files and ending up doing it in..

Tilde operator in Regular expressions


position of a matching proportion in case you want to add modifiers at the end like ungreedy etc Generally PHP works this out from..