

php Programming Glossary: modernizr

What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection


parameters inside a wurfl_config_standard.php file. Modernizr Server Modernizr is a great way to find out about your user's.. inside a wurfl_config_standard.php file. Modernizr Server Modernizr is a great way to find out about your user's browser capabilities... logic. The modernizr server library is a way to bring Modernizr browser data to your server scripting environment. Good Like..

Detect HTML5 Geolocation Support Using PHP


share improve this question Have you considered using Modernizr to detect the HTML5 support This isn't PHP specific since it's.. but you can use this snippet to load your backup file if Modernizr.geolocation Access using HTML5 navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition..

What's the best way to detect a browser with php?


IE. I recommend you try the following CSS3Pie Selectivizr Modernizr Dean Edwards' IE7.js And of course the ubiquitous JQuery . ..