

php Programming Glossary: modifies

Do PHP timeouts stop people on the same network loading pages?


. Obviously pay attention to the fact the setting cookies modifies the headers so you have to call session_start before you output..

php copying array elements by value, not by reference


of data are themselves references modifying data 'y' also modifies data 'x' ..which is NOT what I want. I want data 'x' to remain..

MySQL Error “Too many connections”


opened link will be returned. The new_link parameter modifies this behavior and makes mysql_connect always open a new link..

PHP get_headers() reports different headers than CURL


7.com cOO9XS Note that stream_context_set_default modifies the global default Stream Context so any calls to other methods..

Laravel - Using (:any?) wildcard for ALL routes?


patterns provided those routes returned a 404. This method modifies the event listener defined in routes.php Event listen '404'..

Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors?


baz global foo echo foo foo 'baz' This function uses and modifies the global variable foo . Do not do this Unless you really really..

Understanding Incrementing


and is that in addition to returning a value the operator modifies the variable directly. So what happens when you do b a is the..

PHP Access Control System


user permissions for specific database records i.e. modifies database queries so that only specific records are displayed...

PHP replaces spaces with underlines


square bracket chr 128 chr 159 various PHP irreversibly modifies field names containing these characters in an attempt to maintain..

How does “&” operator work in PHP function?


to the array is passed into the function thus the function modifies the original array instead of a copy. Just look at this minimal..

Only variables should be passed by reference


The problem is that end requires a reference because it modifies the internal representation of the array i.e. it makes the current..

Modifying objects in returnCallback() of PHPUnit Mocks


to mock a method of a class and execute a callback which modifies the object given as parameter using PHP 5.3 with PHPUnit 3.5.5..

PHP some $_POST values missing but are present in php://input


in _POST php post share improve this question PHP modifies fields containing the characters space dot open square bracket..

GET vs. POST Best Practices


In general it's not a good idea to have a GET request that modifies the system state somehow like deleting an item. You could have..

Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC?


MVC Presenter requests information from Model collects it modifies it and passes it to the passive View. To explore this pattern..

php regex to match outside of html tags


words in html. However sometimes my regular expression modifies html tags. For example when I try to replace this text a href..

Update old stored md5 passwords in PHP to increase security


That's the key derivation from the Blowfish Cipher. BCrypt modifies that to this The 64 bit state is initialized to an encrypted..

php proDOM parsing error


Virus/malware modifying .htaccess on Joomla CMS website


has been injected to our codebase which constantly modifies the .htaccess file. However I have no idea how these malware..