

php Programming Glossary: mod_rewrite.c

.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration


then find and make sure that the line AddModule mod_rewrite.c is not commented out. If the LoadModule rewrite_module modules..

Compile a referenced LESS file into CSS with PHP automatically


path. This was placed in the root .htaccess file. IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteRule ^ ^. .less compilers..

How do I remove 'index.php' from URL in CodeIgniter?


or you can change that to suite your purpose . IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase #'system' can be replaced if you.. docs cache RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L IfModule IfModule mod_rewrite.c # If we don't have mod_rewrite installed all 404's # can be..

How can I create friendly URLs with .htaccess?


EDIT based on some answers I get here I put this IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteRule.. default host 'page not found' error. I also tried IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteRule.. website.com I'd put an htaccess file like this IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteRule..

Simulate file structure with PHP


URI and not the params. In your htaccess use like IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On #Rewrite the URI if there is no file or folder..

Cleaner URLs with .htaccess files? [closed]


I have in my .htaccess file Options MultiViews IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond THE_REQUEST ^GET ^ s .php RewriteRule..

Remove index.php From URL - Codeigniter 2


code I used doesn't work in 2. I have tried using IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteCond REQUEST_URI ^system... d RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L IfModule and IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine on RewriteCond 1 ^ index .php images robots .txt..

SEO Friendly URL


your .htaccess file you might need to make it put IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^blog 0 9 . blog.php post 1 L IfModule..

Search-Engine Friendly URLs


htdocs name it .htaccess add next content to it IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteCond..

CodeIgniter PHP Apache 500 Internal Server Error


about the server. Search for the module mod_rewrite.so or mod_rewrite.c in rare cases . mod_rewrite module is developed to rewrite the..

hide .php extension - htaccess [duplicate]


it to work my latest attempt was the following IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^folder a zA Z_ 0 9 folder 1.php..

Remove index.php in codeigniter 2.1.0


'index_page' Then set this as your .htaccess file IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase #Removes access to the system folder.. d RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L IfModule IfModule mod_rewrite.c # If we don't have mod_rewrite installed all 404's # can be..