

php Programming Glossary: models

How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables


for this to use different car types rather than actual car models. mysql create table models id int 3 not null auto_increment.. types rather than actual car models. mysql create table models id int 3 not null auto_increment primary key model varchar 15.. Query OK 0 rows affected 0.01 sec mysql show columns from models Field Type Null Key Default Extra id int 3 NO PRI NULL..

How should a model be structured in MVC?


connection sql data catch Exception e throw e My models tend to be just an entity class that is mapped to the database.. with a database. Here is what I usually use to describe models It would be built of three types of things the model itself..

Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model


is a layer at least thats how i understand it and your Models seem to me more like Domain Objects . I will assume that what..

Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way


aka Materialized Path I cover these in my presentation Models for Hierarchical Data with SQL and PHP and in my book SQL Antipatterns..

Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value


value share improve this question Almost all Magento Models have a corresponding Collection object that can be used to fetch..

How to become an OpenCart guru?


and class and try to call the insert method Understanding Models Model's in OpenCart are found in the catalog model folder and..

How is MVC supposed to work in CodeIgniter


reusable. Further reading MVC vs. PAC The M in MVC Why Models are Misunderstood and Unappreciated Model View Confusion part..

Turn database result into array


the Zend Framework extras incubator and my presentation is Models for Hierarchical Data with SQL and PHP at slideshare. I'll describe..

How to get Custom Options Programmatically in Magento


getIdBySku productSku product load productId In Magento Models or database schema level the product's Custom Options are executed..

Models in the Zend Framework


in the Zend Framework What are some of the ways you have implemented..

Convert flat array to the multi-dimentional


in a PHP class I wrote for my presentation Hierarchical Models in SQL and PHP but I was using objects instead of plain arrays...

mysqli giving “Commands out of sync” error - why?


it more easily. I did a presentation about this titled Models for Hierarchical Data with SQL and PHP . I also cover this topic..

How To Properly Create Domain using Zend Framework?


php zend framework share improve this question Domain Models extend nothing. They're just plain classes you use to encapsulate..

Is MVC + Service Layer common in zend or PHP?


Whereas the Service Layer uses one or more Domain Models. Service Layer Domain Model s Repository DBAL share improve..

Magento - Passing data between a controller and a block


the view is Layout and blocks . Controllers set values on Models and then Blocks read from those same models. In Magento's view.. avoided. Your controller's job is to do certain things to Models and then tell the system it's layout rendering time. That's.. in a certain way depending on the state of the system's Models. So if I wanted to emulate traditional PHP MVC behaviors I'd..

How to debug MySQL/Doctrine2 Queries?


progress task getProgress progress is declared Application Models Task @OneToMany targetEntity TaskProgress mappedBy task @OrderBy..

Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application?


pattern then the problems directly influence your Models. Uncle Bob calls this technical debt . Few books loosely related..

Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC?


classical MVC it would require for you to have persistent Models to begin with. Additionally Model should inform View about the.. for the translation between View's expectations and Models's logic. View requests data from controller which translates..

Accessing CodeIgniter Models in Other Models


CodeIgniter Models in Other Models It used to be that within a CodeIgniter model.. CodeIgniter Models in Other Models It used to be that within a CodeIgniter model you couldn't..

Yii framework: Using data from related Active Record models for searching


explain a method for using data from related Active Record Models for searching the related models as well. This method is explained..