

java Programming Glossary: this.model

Change background color of one cell in JTable [duplicate]


JTable table super new JTextField this.table table this.model MyModel table.getModel @Override public boolean stopCellEditing..

Drawing JTable rows and columns on a Panel


String str JTable model public void setModel JTable model this.model model public void setX int x this.x x public void setY int.. font this.font font public void setModel JTable model this.model model public JTable getModel return model public void setX..

How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection?


model public CheckTreeSelectionModel TreeModel model this.model model setSelectionMode TreeSelectionModel.DISCONTIGUOUS_TREE_SELECTION..

How to make line animation smoother?


model setDaemon true setName AnimationThread this.model model this.canvas canvas public AnimationCanvas getCanvas ..

Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners


ShowTextControl MvcView view MvcModel model this.view view this.model model view.setFileAction new FileAction File KeyEvent.VK_F view.setOpenFileAction.. super name putValue MNEMONIC_KEY keyCode this.view view this.model model @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent evt.. model public OpenFileWorkerListener MvcModel model this.model model @Override public void propertyChange PropertyChangeEvent..

Java MVC - How to divide a done text game into MVC?


private View view public Control Model model View view this.model model this.view view class View extends JPanel implements Observer.. Observer private Model model public View Model model this.model model model.addObserver this public void update Observable o..

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC


new JButton Reset public Control Model model View view this.model model this.view view this.add reset reset.addActionListener.. public View Model model super new BorderLayout this.model model label.setVerticalTextPosition JLabel.BOTTOM label.setHorizontalTextPosition..

MVC Progress Bar Threading


final MVC_View view final MVC_Model model this.view view this.model model model.addPropertyChangeListener new PropertyChangeListener..

How to work with swing with multiple classes


private MvcModel model public MvcControl MvcModel model this.model model all this simplistic control does is change the state of..

Is MVC in Swing Thread Safe


final MVC_View view final MVC_Model model this.view view this.model model model.addPropertyChangeListener new PropertyChangeListener..

JTable not showing


model private Model Object data this.toString this.model new DefaultTableModel data 1 model.addRow data private void..

Code for changing the color of subtasks in Gantt Chart


int index public MyRenderer TaskSeriesCollection model this.model model @Override public Paint getItemPaint int row int col if..