

java Programming Glossary: this.getsize

How to edit a text that is converted into image? or any other approach to realize/edit text


.width double ph this.getPreferredSize .height double w this.getSize .width double h this.getSize .height Set FG text color g.setColor.. .height double w this.getSize .width double h this.getSize .height Set FG text color g.setColor this.getForeground stretch..

Java Applet Game 2D Window Scrolling


radius public void update Graphics g dbImage createImage this.getSize .width this.getSize .height dbg dbImage.getGraphics initialize.. update Graphics g dbImage createImage this.getSize .width this.getSize .height dbg dbImage.getGraphics initialize buffer if dbImage.. in background dbg.setColor getBackground dbg.fillRect 0 0 this.getSize .width this.getSize .height draw elements in background dbg.setColor..

Painted content invisible while resizing in Java


Graphics g super.paintComponent g Dimension size this.getSize int d Math.min size.width size.height 10 int x size.width d..

setOpaque() in java


this.getX container.getX this.getY container.getY int this.getSize .getWidth 8 javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI getUI.. getUI .getNorthPane .getWidth int this.getSize .getHeight javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI getUI..

How to lock aspect ratio of a gridLayout in Java?


Graphics g super.paintComponent g Dimension size this.getSize int d Math.min size.width size.height 10 int x size.width d..