

java Programming Glossary: this.context

How one interface can be used for different background android tasks?


Context context DelegateTaskCompleted delegate this.context context this.delegate delegate And constructor of second AsynTask.. Context context DelegateTaskCompleted delegate this.context context this.delegate delegate onPostExecute of each AsynTask..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


dataObject super context textViewResourceId dataObject this.context context @Override public View getView final int position View..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


data this.layoutResourceId layoutResourceId this.context context this.data data this.original data new ArrayList Pkmn..

Keyboard input for a game in Java


game GamingContext context Account account this.game game this.context context this.account account public boolean dispatchKeyEvent..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


Context context public DownloadTask Context context this.context context @Override protected String doInBackground String.....

Record phone calls on android phone?


public void onReceive Context context Intent intent this.context context if intent.getAction .equalsIgnoreCase Intent.ACTION_ANSWER..

How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain


final Context context public MyHttpClient Context context this.context context @Override protected ClientConnectionManager createClientConnectionManager..

How to start Activity in adapter?


private Context context public MyAdapter Context context this.context context public View getView ... View v v.setOnClickListener..

ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter?


TasksAdapter Context context Cursor c super context c this.context context @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#newView android.content.Context..

Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused?


return instance private RootFactory Context context this.context context public static RootFactory getInstance return instance..

How do I use the Jersey JSON POJO support?


public JAXBContextAdapter final JAXBContext context this.context context @Override public Marshaller createMarshaller Marshaller..

How to know whether I am in a call on Android?


public CustomPhoneStateListener Context context super this.context context @Override public void onCallStateChanged int state String..

Android C2DM Push Notification


public void onReceive Context context Intent intent this.context context runIntentInService context intent if intent.getAction..

How do you authenticate against an Active Directory server using Spring Security?


DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource contextFactory this.contextFactory contextFactory public String getPrincipalPrefix return.. context public void setContext InitialLdapContext context this.context context You'll notice that there are a few bits in there that..

ListView - getView is called too much times


stub View row convertView Toast toast Toast.makeText this.context getView position 1000 toast.show String pos Integer.toString.. for int r 1 r 1 r TableRow tr new TableRow this.context for int c 1 c 10 c ImageView im new ImageView this.context.. for int c 1 c 10 c ImageView im new ImageView this.context im.setImageDrawable this.context.getResources .getDrawable..

Android: Simple GridView that displays text in the grids


ddd eee fff eee hhh iii public MyAdapter Context context this.context context public int getCount return 9 public Object getItem int..

Android - Update a contact


activity public ContactUtils Activity context super this.context context Returns a list of all the contacts in the phonebook..