

java Programming Glossary: this.listener

Getting RGB value from under mouse cursor


setMouseMonitorListener MouseMonitorListener listener this.listener listener public MouseMonitorListener getMouseMonitorListener..

JProgressBar won't update


super out public void setListener ActionListener listener this.listener listener public void setParent Download o parent o @Override..

File Upload with Java (with progress bar)


final ProgressListener listener super this.delegate entity this.listener listener public long getContentLength return this.delegate.getContentLength.. this.delegate.writeRequest new CountingOutputStream out this.listener public static interface ProgressListener void transferred long.. out final ProgressListener listener super out this.listener listener this.transferred 0 public void write byte b int off..

Restrict multiple instances of an application in java


file String appname this.file file this.appname appname this.listener new ArrayList ApplicationStartedListener public void addApplicationStartedListener.. ApplicationStartedListener asl this.listener.add asl public void removeApplicationStartedListener ApplicationStartedListener.. ApplicationStartedListener asl this.listener.remove asl public boolean isOtherInstanceRunning if this.file.exists..