

java Programming Glossary: this.i

CombinedDomainXYPlot not rescaling domain axis


renderer int i super Series i 1 this.renderer renderer this.i i @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e renderer.setSeriesVisible..

How to add JPanel by clicking JButton?


in order to change i public void setI int i this.i i MainPanel if i 1 this.add p1 if i 2 this.add p2 public.. in order to change i public void setI int i this.i i public void refreshMe checkPanel revalidate repaint Need some..

Java slideshow image delay using paintComponent


private Image image public ArrayWrapper Image image int i this.i i this.image image public int getIndex return i public Image.. image public ArrayWrapper Image image int i this.i i this.image image public int getIndex return i public Image getImage..

Must all properties of an immutable object be final?


unsafe private int i public EffectivelyImmutable int i this.i i public int get return i in some thread EffectivelyImmutable.unsafe..

Can't get past 2542 Threads in Java on 4GB iMac OSX 10.6.3 Snow Leopard (32bit)


private final int i private SleeperThread final int i this.i i public void run try System.out.format Thread d about to.. run try System.out.format Thread d about to sleep n this.i Thread.sleep 1000 60 60 catch final InterruptedException e..

I want to know the difference between static method and non-static method


be non static. Example Class Foo int i public Foo int i this.i i public static String method1 return An example string that.. depend on i an instance variable public int method2 return this.i 1 Depends on i You can call static methods like this Foo.method1..

Should I initialize variable within constructor or outside constructor [duplicate]


the following way. public class ME private int i public ME this.i 100 After sometime I change the habit to public class ME private..

JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


width height public JDigit Digit digit this.digit digit this.image getImage digit this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 64 64.. digit public void setDigit Digit digit this.digit digit this.image getImage digit this.repaint @Override protected void paintComponent.. private int i private String s Digit int i String s this.i i this.s s @Override public String toString return s public..

Copy BufferedImage to clipboard


Transferable Image i public TransferableImage Image i this.i i public Object getTransferData DataFlavor flavor throws UnsupportedFlavorException..

How are constructors called during serialization and deserialization?


implements Serializable protected int i public Child int i this.i i System.out.println Child Constructor public int getI return..