

java Programming Glossary: this.n

Not thread safe Object publishing


class such as public Holder int n public Holder int n this.n n public void assertSanity if n n throw new AssertionError This..

In Java, why must equals() and hashCode() be consistent?


private final int m n public Test int m int n this.m m this.n n public int hashCode return n m public boolean equals Object..

Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge


n super true this.setPreferredSize new Dimension SIZE SIZE this.n n @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent..

How to simulate constructor race conditions?


n private int n2 Widgit int n throws InterruptedException this.n n Thread.sleep 2 this.n2 n void checkMe if n n2 throw new RuntimeException.. int n throws InterruptedException this.n n Thread.sleep 2 this.n2 n void checkMe if n n2 throw new RuntimeException World is..

How to demonstrate race conditions around values that aren't published properly?


public class Holder private int n public Holder int n this.n n public void assertSanity if n n throw new AssertionError.. int n2 public Holder2 int n throws InterruptedException this.n n Thread.sleep 200 this.n2 n public void assertSanity if n n2.. n throws InterruptedException this.n n Thread.sleep 200 this.n2 n public void assertSanity if n n2 throw new AssertionError..

Marquee effect in Java Swing


n for int i 0 i n i sb.append ' ' this.s sb s sb this.n n label.setFont new Font Serif Font.ITALIC 36 label.setText..

FFT library in android Sdk


of FFT changes. double cos double sin public FFT int n this.n n this.m int Math.log n Math.log 2 Make sure n is a power of..

JLayeredPane and painting


Color color new Color r.nextInt public LayerPanel int n this.n n this.setOpaque false this.setBounds n n d.width 2 d.height..