

java Programming Glossary: this.image

Setting background images in JFrame


private Image image public ImagePanel Image image this.image image @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g g.drawImage..

Show an animated BG in Swing


final Image image public ImagePanel Image image super this.image image @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent.. Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.drawImage this.image 0 0 getWidth getHeight this public static void main String args..

How to have menus in java desktop application


this.linkText linkText this.contentText contentText this.image new Image imageLoc Sample program output with a couple of slightly..

Java rectangle collision detection confusion


super x y width height this.width width this.height height this.image image public BufferedImage getImage return image public void..

Java slideshow image delay using paintComponent


image public ArrayWrapper Image image int i this.i i this.image image public int getIndex return i public Image getImage..

How to upload and store an image with google app engine (java)


public MyImage String name Blob image this.name name this.image image JPA getters and setters and empty contructor ... public.. getImage return image public void setImage Blob image this.image image Then when you start accepting images watch out for cases..

SwingWorker, Thread.sleep(), or javax.swing.timer? I need to “insert a pause”


prefSize setBorder new LineBorder Color.DARK_GRAY this.image image this.prefSize prefSize @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize..

Reverse Java Graphics2D scaled and rotated coordinates


Color.BLACK canvas.setStroke new BasicStroke 3.0f this.image image this.xfrm xfrm addMouseListener new MouseAdapter @Override..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


setSize 400 400 setVisible true final Ticker t new Ticker this.image BufferedImage this.createImage 320 330 addWindowListener new.. p MouseInfo.getPointerInfo .getLocation Graphics2D gc this.image.createGraphics try for int x 0 x 8 x for int y 0 y 8 y gc.setColor..

JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


width height public JDigit Digit digit this.digit digit this.image getImage digit this.setPreferredSize new Dimension 64 64 this.setBackground.. digit public void setDigit Digit digit this.digit digit this.image getImage digit this.repaint @Override protected void paintComponent..

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Number of scaling constants does not equal the number of of color or color/alpha components


icon width icon.getIconWidth height icon.getIconHeight this.image icon.getImage this.imageObserver icon.getImageObserver this.bImage.. height icon.getIconHeight this.image icon.getImage this.imageObserver icon.getImageObserver this.bImage BufferedImage image.. this.bImage.createGraphics .drawImage this.image 0 0 width height imageObserver rop new RescaleOp scales offsets..

How to rotate JXImagePanel?


public RotatableImageComponent Image image this this.image image public Image getImage return image public void setImage.. getImage return image public void setImage Image image this.image image public double getAngle return angle public void setAngle..

Smoothing a jagged path


SwingWorker sw public ImageOutline BufferedImage image this.image image imageTwoTone new BufferedImage image.getWidth image.getHeight..

Show image by click JButton


WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE setSize 800 600 this.image new ImageIcon .. src img Ster.png .getImage Container container..