

java Programming Glossary: this.panel

How to make two JPanels listen to the same event?


PanelTest panel public ActionController PanelTest panel this.panel panel @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent ae panel.setString.. private MyPanel panel public UpdateAction MyPanel panel this.panel panel @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent ae..

Java - How to drag and drop JPanel with its components


private JPanel panel public PanelTransferable JPanel panel this.panel panel @Override public DataFlavor getTransferDataFlavors return..

java drag and drop


JPanel panel public DropTargetHandler JPanel panel this.panel panel public void dragEnter DropTargetDragEvent dtde if dtde.getTransferable..

animate JPanel (slide in) with timer


xFromInput int xToInput int yInput int width int height this.panel panelInput this.xFrom xFromInput this.xTo xToInput this.y yInput.. public Animate JPanel panel Rectangle from Rectangle to this.panel panel this.from from this.to to public void start Timer timer..

JLayeredPane and painting


MouseAdapter JPanel panel MyMouseListener JPanel panel this.panel panel @Override public void mouseClicked MouseEvent e panel.repaint.. LayerPanel panel MouseHandler LayerPanel panel this.panel panel @Override public void mouseClicked MouseEvent e panel.update..